Esses novos métodos de compactação são (reivindicados como) implementados fora do NTFS, implementados como pontos de nova análise - deixando-os para o novo (para Windows 10 / Server 2016) driver de filtro do sistema de arquivos para lidar com eles.
System compression, also known as "Compact OS", is a Windows feature that allows rarely modified files to be compressed using the XPRESS or LZX compression formats. It is not built directly into NTFS but rather is implemented using reparse points. This feature appeared in Windows 10 and it appears that many Windows 10 systems have been using it by default.
This repository contains a plugin which enables the NTFS-3G FUSE driver to transparently read from system-compressed files. It must be built against NTFS-3G version 2016.2.22AR.1 or later, since that was the first version to include support for reparse point plugins.