Veja este artigo: Merge Multiple Bancos de dados do MS Access em um único :
Find below a Merge() function written
in MS Access VBA for consolidating
multiple typically structured
databases into a single one. I had to
write this function for one of my
project where I needed to consolidate
many island databases. The structure
of the databases were exact same.
You will receive warnings when data
can not be inserted as they will
create duplicate records. In such
situation simply ignore the warning
message and proceed.
O próprio script apenas faz um loop ao executar comandos semelhantes a:
Como o servidor original parece estar corrompido, o script inteiro é recuperado do Wayback Machine e reproduzido aqui:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
'Set the below variable to TRUE
'When you are done with testing
'Basically testing mode will print
'the names of all the databases
'you are going to merge
Const bTest = False
Sub Merge()
'Copyright © iLoveCoding, 2010
'The Merege() is a function that merges
'records from multiple MS Access databases
'into a consolidated one provided that the
'structure of all databases are exactly same.
'This function assumes that there are
'no relationships defined among the tables.
'Which is typically the scenario when an
'MS Access database is used in an Intranet or
'Web application.
'However properly altering the order of the
'dbfiles() initialization one can easily
'address the issue of relationships and
'data integrity among tables
On Error GoTo errhand
Dim appPath$
'Change the below number to number of databases
'you are going to merge
Const ndb = 22
Dim dbfiles$(2 To ndb)
Dim i%
'Array of the database file names without path
'Copy this code into a module of the first database
'The first database is going to be the consolidated
'capturing the records from all other databases.
'The first database name is not present here
'That is why the index starts with 2.
dbfiles(2) = "second.mdb" '<= change the file name
dbfiles(3) = "third.mdb"
dbfiles(4) = "fourth.mdb"
'similarly initialize other files
dbfiles(10) = "tenth.mdb"
' The databases should be copied to the same
' folder of the first database
appPath = CurrentProject.Path
For i = 2 To ndb
Dim dbpath$, db As Database
dbpath = appPath & "\" & dbfiles(i)
Set db = OpenDatabase(dbpath)
Dim tbl As TableDef, j%
For j = 0 To db.TableDefs.Count - 1
Set tbl = db.TableDefs(j)
If tbl.Attributes = 0 Then
If bTest Then
Debug.Print tbl.Name
DoCmd.TransferDatabase acLink, "Microsoft Access", _
dbpath, acTable, tbl.Name, tbl.Name & "_Linked", False
Dim sql$
sql = "INSERT INTO [" & tbl.Name & "] SELECT * FROM [" & _
tbl.Name & "_Linked" & "]"
DoCmd.RunSQL sql
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, tbl.Name & "_Linked"
End If
End If
Next j
Debug.Print dbfiles(i)
Next i
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub