problemas com deamontools-run e SV após upgrade para 16.04


Eu acabei de atualizar para o Kubuntu 16.04 de 14.04. No entanto, o instalador me avisa, pode estar em estado inutilizável. Ainda não reiniciei e tenho medo de fazer isso.

sudo dpkg --configure -a
Setting up daemontools-run (1:0.76-6ubuntu1) ...
start: Job is already running: svscan
dpkg: error processing package daemontools-run (--configure):
subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:

no arquivo postinstall eu vejo:

if test -z ""; then
  # not upgrading
  if grep '^SV:' /etc/inittab >/dev/null; then
    cat <<-\EOT >&2

There already is an SV entry in /etc/inittab.  In order to have this
package add an entry with the name SV to have daemontools' service
supervision started through sysvinit, you need to remove or rename
the current SV entry first.

Installation failed.

exit 1

e no inittab:

#-- daemontools-run begin
#-- daemontools-run end

Qual é o problema e como resolvê-lo?

por user2949432 06.08.2016 / 19:20

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