Formas de apagar vocais em um arquivo de áudio


Eu tenho algumas músicas. Desejo separar o som do instrumento do som do canto humano. É possível fazer isso? Existem algumas aplicações para realizar isso?

por Tim 29.05.2011 / 07:32

2 respostas


Com áudio profissional, a voz geralmente é mixada em mono, enquanto os instrumentos são mixados em estéreo. Subtrair um canal do outro deve remover a mixagem mono enquanto deixa a mixagem estéreo (remixada um pouco, é claro).

por 29.05.2011 / 07:36

Audacity tem Effect->Plugins->Vocal Remover .

Você pode precisar fazer o download do Nyquist plugin .

Vocal Remover requires a stereo track. It works best with lossless files like like WAV or AIFF, rather than MP3 or other compressed formats. It only removes vocals or other audio that is panned to center (sounds equally loud in left and right). Vocals are often mixed this way. Inverting one channel then panning both to center cancels out any audio which was originally center-panned, making it inaudible. This can remove some parts of the audio you may want to keep, such as drums, which are also often mixed to center. If the vocals and other centered parts differ in pitch, this can be solved by removing only selected frequencies.

Vocal Remover thus has three choices of removal method. 'Simple' inverts the entire frequency spectrum of one channel. This may remove too much music if other parts of the audio are centered as well as the vocals. In that case, try the other choices. If the vocals are at a different pitch than the other audio (such as a high female voice), try 'Remove frequency band'. This only removes frequencies between a lower and upper limit which you can enter in the 'Frequency band...' box. Experiment by entering what sounds like the most significant frequency range of the original vocals. If the other choices remove too much audio in a particular frequency range (such as low drums or bass), try 'Retain frequency band'. This only removes frequencies outside the limits entered, retaining the others.

por 29.05.2011 / 08:54
