Alternativa 1) mktorrent para Windows :
Mktorrent is a very easy tool for creating Torrents on the commandline, but only for Linux (only Sourcecode to compile self) – so i compiled a Win32/Win64 Version over Cygwin.
Installation: Copy the mktorrent.exe and the DLLs in \Windows\System32\
On Server 2008 R2 Copy the mktorrent.exe in \Windows\System32\ , and the DLLs in \Windows\SysWOW64\Usage i.e.: mktorrent -l 21 -a http://tracker.url foldername
Alternativa 2) py3createtorrent :
py3createtorrent is a comprehensive shell/commandline utility for creating torrents (Linux & Windows). It's a GPL-licensed Python v3.1 script. I tested it with Ubuntu 8.04 / rTorrent and Windows 7 / µTorrent.