Eu estava procurando por uma maneira super rápida de pingar muitos IPs e tropeçar nessa questão (entre outros).
Por fim, encontrei um script que era fácil de integrar ao que eu queria fazer. O cara chama de Fast Ping Sweep Asynchronous .
Mesmo sendo um Power Shell n00b, consegui canalizar sua saída e modificar sua saída para incluir apenas o que eu queria. Eu me deparei com outros scripts, mas não consegui decifrar seus scripts para modificá-los para os meus propósitos.
Não sei qual versão do Power Shell é necessária, mas funciona na v4 e na v5.
I have seen most of the Powershell IP scanner, ping sweeping scripts
but none of them uses the PingASync method.The "problem" with
synchronous scripts is that they have to wait until a node replies or
times out before continuing to the next address.Using this approach
may take s
function Global:Ping-IPRange {
Sends ICMP echo request packets to a range of IPv4 addresses between two given addresses.
This function lets you sends ICMP echo request packets ("pings") to
a range of IPv4 addresses using an asynchronous method.
Therefore this technique is very fast but comes with a warning.
Ping sweeping a large subnet or network with many swithes may result in
a peak of broadcast traffic.
Use the -Interval parameter to adjust the time between each ping request.
For example, an interval of 60 milliseconds is suitable for wireless networks.
The RawOutput parameter switches the output to an unformated
You cannot pipe input to this funcion.
The function only returns output from successful pings.
Type: System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingReply
The RawOutput parameter switches the output to an unformated
Author : G.A.F.F. Jakobs
Created : August 30, 2014
Version : 6
Ping-IPRange -StartAddress -EndAddress -Interval 20
IPAddress Bytes Ttl ResponseTime
--------- ----- --- ------------ 32 64 371 32 128 0 32 128 1 32 64 88 32 64 0
In this example all the ip addresses between and are pinged using
a 20 millisecond interval between each request.
All the addresses that reply the ping request are listed.
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
[int]$Interval = 30,
[Switch]$RawOutput = $false
$timeout = 2000
function New-Range ($start, $end) {
[byte[]]$BySt = $start.GetAddressBytes()
[byte[]]$ByEn = $end.GetAddressBytes()
$i1 = [System.BitConverter]::ToUInt32($BySt,0)
$i2 = [System.BitConverter]::ToUInt32($ByEn,0)
for($x = $i1;$x -le $i2;$x++){
$ip = ([System.Net.IPAddress]$x).GetAddressBytes()
[System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($($ip -join '.'))
$IPrange = New-Range $StartAddress $EndAddress
$IpTotal = $IPrange.Count
Get-Event -SourceIdentifier "ID-Ping*" | Remove-Event
Get-EventSubscriber -SourceIdentifier "ID-Ping*" | Unregister-Event
$IPrange | foreach{
[string]$VarName = "Ping_" + $_.Address
New-Variable -Name $VarName -Value (New-Object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping)
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject (Get-Variable $VarName -ValueOnly) -EventName PingCompleted -SourceIdentifier "ID-$VarName"
(Get-Variable $VarName -ValueOnly).SendAsync($_,$timeout,$VarName)
Remove-Variable $VarName
$pending = (Get-Event -SourceIdentifier "ID-Ping*").Count
}catch [System.InvalidOperationException]{}
$index = [array]::indexof($IPrange,$_)
Write-Progress -Activity "Sending ping to" -Id 1 -status $_.IPAddressToString -PercentComplete (($index / $IpTotal) * 100)
Write-Progress -Activity "ICMP requests pending" -Id 2 -ParentId 1 -Status ($index - $pending) -PercentComplete (($index - $pending)/$IpTotal * 100)
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $Interval
Write-Progress -Activity "Done sending ping requests" -Id 1 -Status 'Waiting' -PercentComplete 100
While($pending -lt $IpTotal){
Wait-Event -SourceIdentifier "ID-Ping*" | Out-Null
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 10
$pending = (Get-Event -SourceIdentifier "ID-Ping*").Count
Write-Progress -Activity "ICMP requests pending" -Id 2 -ParentId 1 -Status ($IpTotal - $pending) -PercentComplete (($IpTotal - $pending)/$IpTotal * 100)
$Reply = Get-Event -SourceIdentifier "ID-Ping*" | ForEach {
If($_.SourceEventArgs.Reply.Status -eq "Success"){
Unregister-Event $_.SourceIdentifier
Remove-Event $_.SourceIdentifier
$Reply = Get-Event -SourceIdentifier "ID-Ping*" | ForEach {
If($_.SourceEventArgs.Reply.Status -eq "Success"){
$_.SourceEventArgs.Reply | select @{
Name="IPAddress" ; Expression={$_.Address}},
@{Name="Bytes" ; Expression={$_.Buffer.Length}},
@{Name="Ttl" ; Expression={$_.Options.Ttl}},
@{Name="ResponseTime"; Expression={$_.RoundtripTime}}
Unregister-Event $_.SourceIdentifier
Remove-Event $_.SourceIdentifier
if($Reply -eq $Null){
Write-Verbose "Ping-IPrange : No ip address responded" -Verbose
return $Reply