Como silenciar a saída de som no arranque do Windows?


Existe alguma maneira de silenciar o volume do PC na inicialização do Windows? Qualquer truque do GPEDIT ou algo assim? Estou usando o Windows XP.

Esta questão não é simplesmente bloquear o "som de inicialização". Eu quero silenciar toda a saída de som do PC. Em vez de fazê-lo manualmente, marcando a caixa de seleção "mudo" nas opções de volume, quero automatizá-lo.

por InfantPro'Aravind' 22.01.2010 / 15:49

2 respostas


Aparentemente eu não entendi sua pergunta.

Editar: encontrei uma maneira ainda melhor:

Auto Mute is a portable volume control software that provides access to several interesting features. It can for instance be used to automatically mute sound on logoff, suspend and shutdown so that the next system start is quiet.

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A global shortcut is offered to turn sounds back on after the computer system has been started. The default shortcut is Ctrl F10 which can be changed in the program’s options if necessary.

The only other options provided by the volume control software are to run the program during startup and to play a computer beep sound whenever the state of the sound changes from mute to on and vice verse.

Auto Mute is a portable software program for the Windows operating system. The program is compatible with many Microsoft operating systems including Windows 7 and Windows Vista. It can be downloaded from the developer’s website.

Caso contrário, você deve dar uma olhada em um programa muito antigo chamado: SetVol

Pode ainda funcionar no Windows XP. A descrição diz:

If you have multiple users using the same computer, this application can be used to adjust the volume level automatically every time a user logs on. SetVol lets you make custom shortcuts for setting the volume of the sounds your computer makes.

If you use + or -, you can create shortcuts that increase or decrease volume in increments of 10%. For example, a shortcut that makes the volume 10 percent louder would use the command line Setvol.exe +10. On the other hand, you can also omit the + or - to set the volume at an absolute level. For example, the command line "Setvol.exe 100" would turn the volume up to the max.

Você pode então configurar um script de inicialização que execute automaticamente "Setvol.exe 0" emudecendo o sistema.

Para todos os outros: tente desligar o som de inicialização do Windows?

Go to Start --> Settings --> Control Panels then selecting the Control Panel "Sounds and Audio Devices".

Click on the "Sounds" tab and it'll look like this:

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Scroll down just a bit and you'll find Start Windows and Windows Logon:

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Those are the two you want to change or disable entirely. To change them, click on the pop-up menu that currently says "Windows XP Startup" on my screenshot above.

To disable them is a bit unintuitive: You need to also click on the pop-up menu, but this time you're interested in the top option:

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Select (None), click on "Apply"

por 22.01.2010 / 15:51

Por script:

Crie um arquivo * .vbs na pasta "Start-up":
(O caminho real seria como: C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Start Menu\Programs\Startup )

E copie e cole este código no arquivo:

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

salve o arquivo .. pronto:)

por 26.10.2012 / 11:03