Como fazer um atalho para aplicativos externos na plataforma


Eu tenho alguns aplicativos portáteis que não estão disponíveis no formato do .paf.exe, e gostaria de poder iniciá-los a partir do menu da Plataforma .

Como posso adicionar um atalho ao aplicativo externo na minha plataforma

por GingerPlusPlus 19.11.2014 / 09:08

1 resposta


Posso adicionar um atalho a um aplicativo externo na Plataforma

Sim, você pode. Veja as seguintes instruções.

Portable Apps is an open-source application launcher that allows you to run programs right from your flash drive. The launcher comes with a full suite of applications pre-installed. If you want to include your own applications, however, you must manually add them to the launcher.


  1. Insert the flash drive on which Portable Apps is installed.

  2. Browse to the folder that Portable Apps was installed in using Windows Explorer. The folder should be named PortableApps and will likely be in the root of your flash drive.

  3. Right-click a blank space, select "New" and click "Folder."

  4. Type the name of the application you wish to add to the launcher as the new folder's name.

  5. Copy the application and its associated files to your newly created folder.

  6. Launch the Portable Apps menu.

  7. Click "Options" and select "Refresh App Icons" to have your new application added to the menu.

Fonte Como adicionar seus próprios aplicativos a aplicativos portáteis , de Robert Kingsley

por 19.11.2014 / 19:00