Fusion: crie máquinas virtuais “headless”?


Existe uma maneira de executar uma VM no Fusion que começa quando a máquina funciona, mas eu posso acessar via Área de Trabalho Remota (Windows) ou ssh (Linux) em vez de abrir o aplicativo Fusion, iniciar a VM e depois conectando no entanto eu preferiria (rdp / ssh)?

Sei que isso é possível com o VMware Server para Linux e Windows.

por warren 16.04.2010 / 21:14

2 respostas


Encontrei algumas respostas elhorwhere .

Citando a minha primeira fonte:

  1. You may or may not want to add the location of vmrun to your default path. I chose not to as I will mostly be interacting with vmrun through shell scripts.

  2. To Launch the virtual machine named VA-LAMP.vmx which is located in the standard virtual machine directory enter the following command into the Terminal app.

/Library/Application\ Support/VMware\ Fusion/vmrun -T fusion start /Users/USERNAME/Documents/Virtual\ Machines.localized/VA-LAMP.vmwarevm/VA-LAMP.vmx nogui

To make this a command to launch the headless terminal from a file on the desktop just open text edit and enter the following text

#!/bin/bash /Library/Application\ Support/VMware\ Fusion/vmrun -T fusion start /Users/USERNAME/Documents/Virtual\ Machines.localized/VA-LAMP.vmwarevm/VA-LAMP.vmx nogui

Save the file as plain text to the desktop as headless.command

Now to make it executable fire up the terminal application and type

chmod +x $HOME/Desktop/headless.command

E o segundo :

To enable it you need to run the following on your console: defaults write com.vmware.fusion fluxCapacitor -bool YES

por 10.09.2010 / 19:40

Eu criei um exemplo aqui para minha própria conveniência:

$ lamp start
2013-12-12T14:21:11.562| ServiceImpl_Opener: PID 1666
$ vmrun list
Total running VMs: 1
/Users/alex/Documents/Virtual Machines.localized/fusion6\centosx\minimal\LAMP.vmwarevm/fusion6\centosx\minimal\LAMP.vmx
$ lamp stop
$ vmrun list
Total running VMs: 0

O script está no link .

Isso pressupõe que você tenha vmrun em algum lugar no seu $PATH .

por 12.12.2013 / 20:32