Por favor, leia o 2015-01-27 changelog para o gerenciador de rede. Um snippet de todas as alterações ...
network-manager ( unstable; urgency=medium
- New upstream release.
- Exclude libtool .la files from list-missing.
- Update symbols files.
- Update Build-Depends as per configure.ac.
- Build and install nmtui, a curses-based interface for easier console operation.
- Install new device plugins.
- Stop installing the nm-tool binary which was dropped upstream as it has been replaced by the much more powerful nmcli tool.
O nome do que você deseja é nmcli .
Além disso, há uma nova chamada de ferramenta nmtui
network-manager ( unstable; urgency=medium
- New upstream release.
- Exclude libtool .la files from list-missing.
- Update symbols files.
- Update Build-Depends as per configure.ac.
- Build and install nmtui, a curses-based interface for easier console operation.
Na página de manual do nmtui:
nmtui — Text User Interface for controlling NetworkManager
nmtui [edit | connect | hostname] [...] nmtui-edit [connection-id | connection-name] nmtui-connect [connection-name | connection-uuid | device-name | Wi-Fi-SSID] nmtui-hostname