Do artigo da VMware KB A guia Resumo do ESXi e a guia Atribuição de recursos não mostram os mesmos valores para memória e CPU
The ESXi or Cluster Resource Allocation tab displays three values:
- Total Capacity – Amount of resource that is guaranteed to be available to the resource pool (ESXi host).
- Reserved Capacity – Total amount of resources that have been used for the reservation requirements of all descendants of the resource pool. This includes both child resource pools and virtual machines.
- Available Capacity – Total amount or resources available for reservation of a child virtual machine.
The values in the Resource Allocation tab are the resources, with the system resource pools already subtracted.
Seus valores são:
Total Capacity: 4708 MB = amount guaranteed to always be available
Reserved Capacity: 2698 MB = amount used now
Available Capacity: 2010 MB = amount still available
O Documentação do VMware vSphere 6.0 diz na seção Crie um pool de recursos :
Specify a guaranteed CPU or memory allocation for this resource pool. Defaults to 0.
A nonzero reservation is subtracted from the unreserved resources of the parent (host or resource pool). The resources are considered reserved, regardless of whether virtual machines are associated with the resource pool.
Expandable Reservation
When the check box is selected (default), expandable reservations are considered during admission control.
If you power on a virtual machine in this resource pool, and the combined reservations of the virtual machines are larger than the reservation of the resource pool, the resource pool can use resources from its parent or ancestors.
É importante observar que os pools de recursos são criados por padrão como expansíveis na necessidade.
O artigo Objeto gerenciado - ResourcePool descreve o pool de recursos raiz , que ocupa todo o computador e é o ancestral de qualquer outro conjunto:
A resource pool is configured with a set of CPU (in MHz) and memory (in MB) resources. These resources are specified in absolute terms with a resource reservation and a resource limit, along with a shares setting. The shares are used during resource contention, to ensure graceful degradation.
For the root resource pool, the values of the reservation and the limit are set by the system and are not configurable. The reservation and limit are set to the same value, indicating the total amount of resources the system has available to run virtual machines. This is computed as the aggregated CPU and memory resources provided by the set of current available hosts in the parent compute resource minus the overhead of the virtualization layer.
O manual 5.1 para Listar e registrar máquinas virtuais diz isto:
The default datacenter is ha-datacenter and the default resource pool is Resources.
De acordo com sua primeira captura de tela, Recursos é definido como tendo a capacidade da CPU de 2 x 2.194 GHZ e a capacidade de memória de 8103,84 MB. O ESXi está ciente da sua configuração e ocupou toda a memória.
Embora você não tenha criado nenhum pool de recursos, um pool de recursos padrão foi criado para você com o valor Reservado de 4708 MB, que é o valor que é subtraído imediatamente da memória do host.
Como no seu caso você não excedeu o mínimo de 4708 MB, O ESXi não fez nenhuma alocação adicional do pool raiz. Isso será feito quando necessário.