Como eu respondi aqui em outra pergunta "falha no disco rígido":
I had success once recovering information by placing the HDD into a USB enclosure, placing the enclosure into a gallon-size ziploc bag, and placing the bag into the freezer (the bag is to help keep condensation from forming). I pulled data off the drive while it was in the freezer, and got a very strange look from the wife as she walked by and saw the usb cord running out of the freezer. My understanding of the process is that the deep cold of the freezer causes a slight contraction of the HDD parts, bringing them back into alignment. Like I said - it worked for me, but no guarantees. My HDD was making a ticking sound and would keep having problems reading files.
Either way, the sooner you get that data, the better.
Do jeito que eu vejo, não pode doer, especialmente se a unidade estiver morrendo. Use-o o mínimo possível até recuperar os dados - faça isso o mais rápido possível.
Edit: Não sei por que o downvote, mas está bem documentado na web para ter funcionado. link