Word 2007 atribuindo aleatoriamente o nível de estrutura de tópicos nível 1 no fechamento do documento


Às vezes, quando abro um documento e visualizo o Mapa do Documento, descubro que o Word 2007 SP2 destruiu completamente meu esboço, atribuindo a parágrafos aparentemente aleatórios um Nível de Contorno de 1. Eu tenho que definir manualmente 50-100 parágrafos como "Corpo Texto "e espero que isso não aconteça novamente (o que será).

Meu palpite é que isso aconteceu de alguma forma durante a minha sessão de edição anterior, mas eu nunca vi isso mudar durante a edição do documento. Eu acho que pode ter algo a ver com o fechamento do aplicativo com o Document Map aberto.

Eu tentei pesquisar para ver se esse é um bug conhecido, mas não consegui encontrar uma solução.

Encontrou um artigo descrevendo o comportamento, mas nenhuma menção a um patch do MS. link

por Greg 11.12.2009 / 20:13

4 respostas


Do artigo que você citou, de um comentário de Stuart no final:

I’ve had the same problem in Word 2002 (XP). In my observations below, DM = document map and TOC = table of contents.

Tips to prevent or deal with the problem

  • Exclude the TOC until you’re ready to either print the document or convert to PDF. The TOC and the DM seem to interact to create instability.
  • Always close the DM pane before closing your file or Word. The DM is more stable when a document is opened with the DM pane is closed.
  • Always open documents with DM pane closed. If you’re uncertain, start Word first, close the pane, then open your document.
  • You can tell that your DM is being scrambled if Word shows the “Word is formatting the document…” status bar while the file is opening.
  • Always check your DM when you first open the file.
  • The only time I’ve noticed a DM become scrambled is on open. This doesn’t mean there aren’t other times it’ll become scrambled. For example, I’d be cautious by closing the DM pane when generating a TOC, or printing or converting documents to PDF, especially if they contain a TOC.
  • I don’t know what makes a file susceptible to scrambling on open in the first place.
  • As soon as you notice your DM is scrambled, close your document without saving.
  • Saving the file with a scrambled DM will permanently scramble both the DM and the TOC. It’s actually the heading level tags that get scrambled.
  • Use Word’s auto-backup feature: Tools -> Options; Save tab; check “Always create backup copy.” Lets you roll back one save.
  • Create and keep frequent backups of your own, even several in a day if you’re being particularly productive: time is precious; disk space is cheap.
  • If you don’t need the really rapid navigation offered by the DM, try using Outline view instead. According to what I’ve read, it’s not prone to scrambling.
  • Additional observations: Merging an older, unscrambled copy with a scrambled copy passes the scrambling on to the good copy, no matter which direction you merge (good into bad, or bad into good), or which document’s formatting you opt to retain. I haven’t found any way to repair/recover a scrambled and saved file, but I haven’t tried any commercial recovery products.

To remedy

If your DM becomes scrambled and you haven’t saved your document:

  1. Close the document and Word without saving
  2. Open Word
  3. Close the DM pane
  4. Open your file

De outro comentário de Jan Zambor:

To repair a scrambled doc:
1. select entire doc (Ctrl+A)
2. go to Paragraph windows
3. set Outline level to "Body Text" (headings will NOT be set to body text, you should end up with the correct doc)

por 11.12.2009 / 22:16

A abordagem CTRL + A, definir nível de estrutura de tópicos para "Texto do corpo", funciona se, e somente se, você fechar o mapa do documento e, em seguida, salvar. Quando você reabrir o documento, ele deve estar limpo.

por 24.10.2010 / 19:11

Veja minha resposta sobre o mesmo assunto: Documento Mapa no MS Word 2007 vai maluco

por 16.11.2010 / 16:03

Eu encontrei a macro a seguir de este post . Isso resolveu o problema para mim.

Sub ReSetOutline()

    Dim myPara As Paragraph
    For Each myPara In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
        myPara.OutlineLevel = myPara.style.ParagraphFormat.OutlineLevel
    Next myPara

End Sub
por 25.09.2013 / 18:46