O artigo Como fazer backup ou localizar sua configuração do Opus descreve como localizar as duas pastas que você precisa sincronizar:
Locating the config files by hand:
If you need to know where Directory Opus stores its configuration data, for example to include it in automated backups made via a script or third-party tool, then you should open an Opus window and type the following aliases into the Location field:
/dopusdata /dopusglobaldata
They will take you to the appropriate configuration directories. The exact locations vary depending on your profile path, version of Windows and whether Opus is in Shared or Private configuration mode.
There is some more configuration data under /dopuslocaldata but it's things like the thumbnail cache and window sizes/positions and thus probably not worth backing up.
You may need to locate your configuration folders manually if you need to do a backup in a situation where Opus will not start. (e.g. If Opus won't start and you wish to try an uninstall + reinstall, the uninstall would wipe your config and a manual backup is required to preserve it.) Here are the usual locations:
C:\Users\<Your Name>\AppData\Roaming\GPSoftware\Directory Opus
C:\ProgramData\GPSoftware\Directory Opus