O que é uma alternativa ao utilitário hdparm do Linux no Windows 8? [fechadas]


Existe um utilitário semelhante ao hdparm que pode ser executado nativamente no Windows 8?

por PetaspeedBeaver 26.12.2014 / 17:27

1 resposta


Você pode fazer download da versão de 32 ou 64 bits dos links abaixo desta fonte :

Faça o download do pacote de configuração do hdparm para janelas de 32 bits
Faça o download do pacote de configuração do hdparm para janelas de 64 bits

IMPORTANTE: Este aplicativo precisa de privilégios administrativos para trabalhar. Depois de instalar no Windows 7, 8 e Vista, você precisa seguir estas instruções .

Outra fonte é o link

Note that the Windows version of hdparm still uses the Linux method for describing hard drives, and therefore, "c:" is actually represented using the string "hda".
Therefore, the examples shown above that use hda in their command line are actually referring to the C-drive. To access the D-drive, you would use "hdb" instead, and so on.

Running hdparm

To run hdparm, you will need to be in a command window with the current folder set to the folder where you installed hdparm. Perform the following steps to enter the 32-bit command window and change to the hdparm directory.

  1. From the "Start" menu, click "Run."
  2. In the text field of the "Run" window, type "cmd" and click "OK."
  3. If the drive displayed at the cursor is not the drive where you installed hdparm, type "C:" to change to the correct drive. (This assumes you installed the software on the C-drive.)
  4. To change to the proper folder, type

    cd "\Program Files\hdparm\bin"

    where "\Program File\hdparm" is the folder where you installed the software. (Be sure to include the quotation marks in your command.) The folder "bin" was created below the installation folder and is where the executable is located.

  5. Typing "hdparm-run.bat" should give you the command line syntax which may be similar to that shown below:

    Examples (for first ATA/SATA drive):
    hdparm -I hda              Show disk identity, features, and current settings
    hdparm -I scd0             Same for first CD-ROM
    hdparm -M 128 hda          Set acoustic management to 'quiet'
    hdparm -M 254 hda          Set acoustic management to 'fast'
    hdparm -t hda              Perform disk read timings
    hdparm -T hda              Perform cached read timings
    hdparm -y hda              Set disk to standby mode
    hdparm --security-freeze hda    Freeze security settings
    Use 'hdb', 'hdc',... for second, third, ... ATA/SATA drive.
    See man page (hdparm.8.*) for further info.
por 26.12.2014 / 18:02