Plugin 'Text Link' para o Chrome?


Existe um plug-in do Chrome que faz o que o Text Link faz para o Firefox (links) )?

por ripper234 26.10.2010 / 18:27

2 respostas


Experimente Linkification

Linkification is inspired by the Firefox extension of the same name. It parses plain-text links on webpages and replaces them with actual hyperlinks. It is based on the 'Linkfy' bookmarklet.

por 26.03.2012 / 16:17

O BProd (uctive) parece ser o que você está procurando.

Linkify Text URL's: Scans all text on loaded pages and makes non-clickable urls clickable and link them to the target url. On click url loads in new tab/window

O presente funciona?

por 26.10.2010 / 18:44