Eu também tentei fazer isso. Se eu entendi sua pergunta, você quer transformar sua instalação atual em um CD ao vivo. Este link pode ajudar e isso também pode ajudar. Você pode copiar seus pacotes Debian baixados. Além disso, squashfs parece promissor, mas eu nunca usei isso. É usado pelo Ubuntu.
Downloading and installing Live-Helper:
Open a terminal and type sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
Add deb etch main to the list and save the >file.
Back at the terminal, type sudo apt-get update
- Type sudo apt-get install debian-unofficial-archive-keyring
- Type sudo apt-get install live-helper
Configuring the settings for your Debian based Live CD:
- Login as root and open a terminal (must be done as root user)
- From the terminal, type lh_config
Now we can edit the configuration files that have been created in (root's Home) debian-live/config/ directory
Open debian-live/config/chroot, Set the interactive parameter >LIVE_INTERACTIVE="enabled" (this allows you to chroot to the filesystem and make >changes before it is compressed) You should also set the live package to install. For example: >LIVE_PACKAGES_LISTS="gnome" (will install the gnome desktop) Save changes and close the chroot file
Note: To create a USB Image instead of an ISO, open debian-live/config/binary and >change the image type parameter from iso to usb-hdd LIVE_BINARY_IMAGES="usb-hdd"
Building the Debian based Live Linux ISO or IMG:
Now that we have made a couple of basic configuration changes we can proceed with >the build process.
- Back at the terminal type cd debian-live (moves us to debian-live, where our >live distro is going to be built)
- Type lh_build (starts the build process based on our live configuration >settings)
During the build process, live-helper will create a directory named chroot >containing the Linux filesystem that will later be compressed. Once live-helper >has finished installing the core components, it will start an interactive shell (change root directory to chroot) pausing the build and allow you to install >additional packages and make changes or adjustments before it compresses the >filesystem and builds the final Live Linux ISO.
At the terminal, when the script responds with the following: Pausing build: starting interactive shell…
make your changes, if any and then type exit to allow live-helper to continue.
Burn the ISO and test your new creation:
Once live-helper has finished, you'll find your completed ISO in the debian-live directory.
Burn the ISO to a CD or DVD
Test your new creation by rebooting from the CD/DVD.
Or to Copy the IMG to the USB device:
From the terminal type fdisk -l and locate your USB device. Example: dev/sdX (where X represents your USB device)
Type dd if=binary.img of=/dev/sdX
Reboot your PC, booting from the USB device
Note: With your CD/DVD or USB build, you can save your changes back to a USB device via the persistent feature. Simply create a partition on the device labeled casper-rw and type live persistent at boot to enable saving and restoring of settings/changes.
Example: mkfs.ext2 -L casper-rw /dev/sdx2