Remover o atributo somente leitura do arquivo
ATTRIB -R "<Filename>"
Apropriar-se de uma pasta
TAKEOWN /F "<foldername>" /R /D
Remover o atributo somente leitura da pasta
ATTRIB -R /D /S "<Foldername>"
Você também pode tentar conceder permissões NTFS explícitas com a linha de comando ICACLS
:::: Disables ACL inheritence on *.txt files ONLY beneath folder listed but COPY all ACLs as inherited before removing
::: show errors but supress prompting
ICACLS "T:\folder\*.txt" /inheritance:d /grant:r "domain\username:(OI)(IO)" /C
:::: Remove all GRANTED permission ACLs on ONLY *.txt files beneath listed directory
ICACLS "T:\folder\*.txt" /remove:g "domain\username" /C
:::: Remove all DENIED permission ACLS on ONLY *.txt file beneath listed directory
ICACLS "T:\folder\*.txt" /remove:g "domain\username" /C
:::: Grants explicit READ & EXECUTE ACL access ONLY to *.txt files beneath directory listed to ONLY account specified
ICACLS "T:\folder\*.txt" /grant:r "domain\username:(RX)" /C