Como interpretar este log de logon do Windows


Você pode ver seu histórico de login

Quero verificar se meu colega de quarto está verificando meu computador ou não

Eu vejo que alguém faz login às 8:04:28

Eu não estava lá. Também há o Logon especial. O que há?

Finalmente, o que me confunde é que raramente faço login.

No entanto, o log de eventos diz que eu entrei em 3:53 e 4:18, o que é bastante comum.

por user4951 06.09.2014 / 17:27

1 resposta


Fonte: 4672: Privilégios especiais atribuídos ao novo logon

This event lets you know whenever an account assigned any "administrator equivalent" user rights logs on. For instance you will see event 4672 in close proximity to logon events (4624) for administrators since administrators have most of these admin-equivalent rights.

So, this is a useful right to detecting any "super user" account logons. Of course this right is logged for any server or applications accounts logging on as a batch job (scheduled task) or system service. See Logon Type: on event ID 4624. You can correlate 4672 to 4624 by Logon ID:.

Note: "User rights" and "privileges" are synonymous terms used interchangeably in Windows.

Admin-equivalent rights are powerful authorities that allow you to circumvent other security controls in Windows. Most admin equivalent privileges are intended for services and applications that interact closely with the operating system. With just a few exceptions, most admin equivalent privileges neither need nor should be granted to human user accounts.

Some Microsoft documentation puts this in the "Sensitive Privilege Use / Non-Sensitive Privilege Use" subcategory. However our testing finds this in the "Special Logon" Category.

Para descobrir mais, precisamos do conteúdo do evento.

por 06.09.2014 / 17:42
