Adicionar separadores à barra de tarefas do windows 7?


Existe alguma maneira de adicionar separadores à barra de tarefas do Windows 7 como em um navegador? Tenho um monitor de 21 "com atalhos suficientes na barra de tarefas para preencher toda a largura. Seria útil ajudar a separar grupos de ícones (por exemplo, ferramentas de desenvolvimento, ferramentas gráficas, etc.)

por EmmyS 17.10.2012 / 19:19

1 resposta


  1. Creating the folders Like pinning folders to the taskbar, you need to create a folder to use as a toolbar. With this method, you can create one anywhere and name it to anything: 'Programs on taskbar - Microsoft Office' and 'Programs on taskbar - Abobe Master Collection 3' , and create them in 'categories' if you wish.

  2. Creating the subfolders Now, in the folders you have created, create new folders for each program in that category, e.g. Office Word, Office Excel, PhotoShop, Fireworks etc.

  3. Inserting program shortcuts In the subfolders you have just put in, you just copy shortcuts of the program in there. (Just type in the name of the program you want in the start menu search, right click 'Copy', go to the folder according to the program you are putting in there, right click and select 'Paste shortcut'.)

  4. Repeat Repeat step 3 for each program you want separated from the rest.

  5. Unlock the taskbar.

  6. Showing program icons in the taskbar Right click in the taskbar in an empty space, and find 'Toolbars' with the arrow next to it. Find 'New toolbar', and navigate to, one by one, the folder containing the program. Don't open the folder, just click on it once and press the 'Select Folder' button. In the taskbar now should be the name of the folder you have just selected. Right click and uncheck 'Show text' and 'Show title'. Still in the context menu, go to view, then click on 'Large icons'. You should now have an icon of your program in the taskbar.

  7. Repeat Repeat Step 6 for each program.

Referência: link

por 17.10.2012 / 20:10