Veja se isso ajuda. Eu tive isso de quando eu precisava executar uma pesquisa e substituir em um arquivo XML. As strings, desde que você as coloque entre aspas duplas, podem ter caracteres especiais como maior que e menor que (usados como redirecionamento por scripts, ignorados aqui) Se você não gosta do uso de variáveis para definir os arquivos quer modificar, você poderia transformá-los em argumentos que você poderia passar para o script. Mas então você teria que mudar a lógica para mudar os parâmetros a menos que você diga explicitamente "o parâmetro 1 é o arquivo a ser alterado, o parâmetro 2 é a string a ser encontrada, etc ..."
Espero que isso ajude alguém. É necessário o Windows XP ou superior.
::Find and Replace script allows the user to
::define a file path, file name and a string
::to find and replace so as to create a new file.
::Original file is backed up with an added extension of *.bak, in case
::the user finds the need to go back to the original.
@echo off
::Use the path from whence the script was executed as
::the Current Working Directory
set CWD=%~dp0
::The variables below should be modified to the
::files to be changed and the strings to find/replace
::Include trailing backslash in _FilePath
set _FilePath=Path\To\File\
set _FileName=FileNameToModify
::_WrkFile is the file on which the script will make
set _WrkFile=BackupFileName
set OldStr="The string to be found and replaced, enclosed in double-quotes"
set NewStr="The new string to replace the value of OldStr, enclosed in double-quotes"
::Set a variable which is used by the
::search and replace section to let us
::know if the string to be modified was
::found or not.
set _Found=Not found
if not exist "%_FilePath%%_FileName%" goto :NotFound
::If a backup file exists, delete it
if exist "%_FilePath%%_WrkFile%" (
echo Deleting "%_FilePath%%_WrkFile%"
del "%_FilePath%%_WrkFile%" >nul 2>&1
echo Backing up "%_FilePath%%_FileName%"...
copy "%_FilePath%%_FileName%" "%_FilePath%%_WrkFile%" /v
::Delete the original file. No worries, we got a backup.
if exist "%_FilePath%%_FileName%" del "%_FilePath%%_FileName%"
echo Searching for %OldStr% string...
for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%a in ("%_FilePath%%_WrkFile%") do (
set _LineChk=%%a
if "!_LineChk!"==%OldStr% (
SET _Found=Found
SET NewStr=!NewStr:^"=!
echo !NewStr!
) else (echo %%a)
)>>"%_FilePath%%_FileName%" 2>&1
::If we didn't find the string, rename the backup file to the original file name
::Otherwise, delete the _WorkFile as we re-created the original file when the
::string was found and replaced.
if /i "!_Found!"=="Not found" (echo !_Found! && del "%_FilePath%%_FileName%" && ren "%_FilePath%%_WrkFile%" %_FileName%) else (echo !_Found! && del "%_FilePath%%_WrkFile%")
goto :exit
echo File "%_FilePath%%_FileName%" missing.
echo Cannot continue...
:: Pause script for approx. 10 seconds...
PING -n 11 > NUL 2>&1
goto :Exit
exit /b