Movida a resposta da pergunta do OP:
OrigRowHeight = SafeRange.RowHeight
OrigColWidth = SafeRange.ColumnWidth
CurRow = ActiveCell.Row
CurCol = ActiveCell.Column
NumMergeCols = ActiveCell.MergeArea.Count
LastCol = CurCol + NumMergeCols - 1
For i = CurCol To LastCol
CombinedColWidth = CombinedColWidth + Cells(CurRow, i).ColumnWidth
Next i
' Most of the following code came from Superuser user6261023 (My Thanks)
With SafeSheet.Range(SafeRange.Address)
.PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
.ColumnWidth = CombinedColWidth
.Value = TargetRange.Value
NeededRowHeight = 1.05 * .RowHeight / TargetRange.MergeArea.Rows.Count
.RowHeight = OrigRowHeight
.ColumnWidth = OrigColWidth
End With
'Return NeededRowHeight
NewRowHeight = NeededRowHeight