Há muitos outros usuários enfrentando esse problema também. Veja aqui , aqui e aqui .
Check the following:
You need at least 1024X768 resolution for Metro(Windows Store) apps to work
Confirm if the issue reproduces with all user accounts. Metro apps aren’t supported if you are running with a built-in administrator account (happens mostly when upgrading)
Check if UAC (User Account Control) is enabled. UAC must be enabled for Metro apps to work. It’s possible that a third party application may have disabled the User Account Control, in which case the apps won’t work. To check, simply type UAC from the home screen and it will appear on the Settings search result
Try using a local account instead of a Microsoft Account (Live ID)
If you use an NVIDIA video card, follow the steps here.
Tente também isso (funcionou para alguns usuários):
-Executa Prompt de Comando como Administrador
-Tipo " sfc / scannow " (sem aspas)
-Pressione Enter e aguarde (10/30 minutos)
-Reinicie seu PC e tudo ficará bem
Ainda não funciona? Siga os passos aqui .