ps aux status coluna significado?


Em um Mac de 64 bits, osx 10.8.5, duas das minhas linhas de saída ps aux, além do cabeçalho, são;

$ ps aux | head
myuid       16402   0.0  0.0  2432768    600 s005  R+    9:57PM   0:00.00 grep mongo
myuid       16071   0.0  0.1  3045380  20036 s001  S+   10:13PM   0:00.51 mongo --nodb

Não consigo encontrar nenhuma documentação na coluna STAT, status,. O que significam os itens e / ou como posso pesquisar isso ainda mais?

Coisas que não ajudaram; Wikipédia; link Outro pôster sobre uma questão semelhante não obteve respostas; link

por AnneTheAgile 21.11.2014 / 04:08

2 respostas


de um sistema linux (man ps):

           D    uninterruptible sleep (usually IO)
           R    running or runnable (on run queue)
           S    interruptible sleep (waiting for an event to complete)
           T    stopped by job control signal
           t    stopped by debugger during the tracing
           W    paging (not valid since the 2.6.xx kernel)
           X    dead (should never be seen)
           Z    defunct ("zombie") process, terminated but not reaped by its parent

além disso:

           <    high-priority (not nice to other users)
           N    low-priority (nice to other users)
           L    has pages locked into memory (for real-time and custom IO)
           s    is a session leader
           l    is multi-threaded (using CLONE_THREAD, like NPTL pthreads do)
           +    is in the foreground process group
por 21.11.2014 / 04:17

Na página de manual do OSX :

ps (1)

Table of Contents Name

ps - process status


ps [-aCcefhjlMmrSTuvwx] [-O fmt] [-o fmt] [-p pid] [-t tty] [-U username] ps [-L]


ps displays a header line followed by lines containing information about your processes that have controlling terminals. This information is sorted by controlling terminal, then by process ID.

The information displayed is selected based on a set of keywords (see the -L -O and -o options). The default output format includes, for each process, the process' ID, controlling terminal, cpu time (including both user and system time), state, and associated command.

The process file system (see procfs(5) ) should be mounted when ps is executed, otherwise not all information will be available.

The options are as follows:

-a Display information about other users' processes as well as your own.

-c Change the ''command'' column output to just contain the executable name, rather than the full command line.

-C Change the way the cpu percentage is calculated by using a raw'' cpu calculation that ignoresresident'' time (this normally has no effect).

-e Display the environment as well.

-f Show commandline and environment information about swapped out processes. This option is honored only if the uid of the user is 0.

-h Repeat the information header as often as necessary to guarantee one header per page of information.

-j Print information associated with the following keywords: user, pid, ppid, pgid, sess, jobc, state, tt, time and command.

-L List the set of available keywords.

-l Display information associated with the following keywords: uid, pid, ppid, cpu, pri, nice, vsz, rss, wchan, state, tt, time and command.

-M Print the threads corresponding to each task.

-m Sort by memory usage, instead of by process ID.

-O Add the information associated with the space or comma separated list of keywords specified, after the process ID, in the default information display. Keywords may be appended with an equals (''='') sign and a string. This causes the printed header to use the specified string instead of the standard header.

-o Display information associated with the space or comma separated list of keywords specified. Keywords may be appended with an equals (''='') sign and a string. This causes the printed header to use the specified string instead of the standard header.

-p Display information associated with the specified process ID.

-r Sort by current cpu usage, instead of by process ID.

-S Change the way the process time is calculated by summing all exited children to their parent process.

-T Display information about processes attached to the device associated with the standard input.

-t Display information about processes attached to the specified terminal device.

-U Display the processes belonging to the specified username.

-u Display information associated with the following keywords: user, pid, %cpu, %mem, vsz, rss, tt, state, start, time and command. The -u option implies the -r option.

-v Display information associated with the following keywords: pid, state, time, sl, re, pagein, vsz, rss, lim, tsiz, %cpu, %mem and command. The -v option implies the -m option.

-w Use 132 columns to display information, instead of the default which is your window size. If the -w option is specified more than once, ps will use as many columns as necessary without regard for your window size.

-x Display information about processes without controlling terminals. A complete list of the available keywords are listed below. Some of these keywords are further specified as follows:

%cpu The cpu utilization of the process; this is a decaying average over up to a minute of previous (real) time. Since the time base over which this is computed varies (since processes may be very young) it is possible for the sum of all %CPU fields to exceed 100%.

%mem The percentage of real memory used by this process. flags The flags associated with the process as in the include file :

P_ADVLOCK 0x00001 Process may hold a POSIX advisory lock

P_CONTROLT 0x00002 Has a controlling terminal

P_INMEM 0x00004 Loaded into memory

P_NOCLDSTOP 0x00008 No SIGCHLD when children stop

P_PPWAIT 0x00010 Parent is waiting for child to exec/exit

P_PROFIL 0x00020 Has started profiling

P_SELECT 0x00040 Selecting; wakeup/waiting danger

P_SINTR 0x00080 Sleep is interruptible

P_SUGID 0x00100 Had set id privileges since last exec

P_SYSTEM 0x00200 System proc: no sigs, stats or swapping

P_TIMEOUT 0x00400 Timing out during sleep

P_TRACED 0x00800 Debugged process being traced

P_WAITED 0x01000 Debugging process has waited for child

P_WEXIT 0x02000 Working on exiting

P_EXEC 0x04000 Process called exec

P_NOSWAP 0x08000 Another flag to prevent swap out

P_PHYSIO 0x10000 Doing physical I/O

P_OWEUPC 0x20000 Owe process an addupc() call at next ast

P_SWAPPING 0x40000 Process is being swapped

lim The soft limit on memory used, specified via a call to setrlimit(2) . lstart The exact time the command started, using the ''%c'' format described in strftime(3) .

nice The process scheduling increment (see setpriority(2) ). rss the real memory (resident set) size of the process (in 1024 byte units). start The time the command started. If the command started less than 24 hours ago, the start time is displayed using the %l:ps.1p'' format described in strftime(3) . If the command started less than 7 days ago, the start time is displayed using the%a6.15p'' format. Otherwise, the start time is displayed using the ''%e%b%y'' format.

state The state is given by a sequence of letters, for example, RWNA''. The first letter indicates the run state of the process: D Marks a process in disk (or other short term, uninterruptible) wait. I Marks a process that is idle (sleeping for longer than about 20 seconds). R Marks a runnable process. S Marks a process that is sleeping for less than about 20 seconds. T Marks a stopped process. Z Marks a dead process (azombie''). Additional characters after these, if any, indicate additional state information:

  • The process is in the foreground process group of its control terminal. < The process has raised CPU scheduling priority.

    The process has specified a soft limit on memory requirements and is currently exceeding that limit; such a process is (necessarily) not swapped. A the process has asked for random page replacement (VA_ANOM, from vadvise(2) , for example, lisp(1) in a garbage collect).


E O processo está tentando sair.


L O processo tem páginas bloqueadas no núcleo (por exemplo, para E / S bruta).


N O processo reduziu a prioridade de agendamento da CPU (veja prioridade definida (2)).


S O processo solicitou a página FIFO   substituição (VA_SEQL, do vadvise (2), por exemplo, um programa de processamento de imagem grande usando memória virtual para endereçar sequencialmente dados volumosos).


s O processo é um líder de sessão.


V O processo é suspenso durante um vfork.


W O processo é trocado.


X O processo está sendo rastreado ou depurado.


tt Uma abreviação do nome do caminho do terminal de controle, se houver. A abreviação consiste nas três letras seguintes / dev / tty, ou, para o console, con''. This is followed by a - '' se o processo não puder mais alcançar esse terminal de controle (ou seja, ele foi revogado).


wchan O evento (um endereço no sistema) no qual um processo aguarda. Quando impressa numericamente, a parte inicial do endereço é cortada e o resultado é impresso em hexadecimal, por exemplo, 0x80324000 é impresso como 324000. Ao imprimir usando a palavra-chave de comando, um processo que saiu e tem um pai que ainda não esperou para o processo (em outras palavras, um zumbi) está listado como <defunct>'', and a process which is blocked while trying to exit is listed as ''. Ps faz uma estimativa do nome do arquivo e dos argumentos dados quando o processo foi criado examinando a memória ou a área de troca. O método é inerentemente pouco confiável e, em qualquer caso, um processo tem o direito de destruir essa informação, de modo que os nomes não podem depender muito. A palavra-chave ucomm (accounting) pode, no entanto, ser dependente.




Segue-se uma lista completa das palavras-chave disponíveis e suas   significados. Vários deles têm aliases (palavras-chave que são sinônimos).


% cpu porcentagem de uso da CPU (alias pcpu)


% de mem de uso de memória percentual (alias pmem)


comando de contabilização do flag de acflag (alias acflg) comando e argumentos cpu fator de uso de cpu de curto prazo (para agendamento)


sinaliza os flags de processo, em hexadecimal (alias f)


gid o gid eficaz


inblk total de blocos lidos (alias inblock)


contagem de controle do trabalho jobc


sinalizadores de rastreamento do ktrace


vnode de rastreio do ktracep

     Limite de uso da memória



logname nome de login do usuário que iniciou o processo


Iniciado o tempo


majflt total


minflt total de recuperações de página


msgrcv total de mensagens recebidas

Há mais no link, eu só tenho preguiça ao formatar a coisa toda.

por 31.05.2016 / 02:38
