O modo de disco de destino da Apple não inicializa o computador de destino (o Mac quebrado), portanto, não importa qual sistema operacional esteja sendo executado. Mas você precisará pressionar e manter pressionada a tecla T durante a inicialização e, como a tela está quebrada, talvez seja necessário adivinhar quando fazer isso. Da Apple (desatualizada) Como usar e solucionar problemas do modo de disco de destino FireWire :
- Make sure that the target computer is turned off.
- If you are using an Apple portable computer such as a PowerBook or MacBook as the target computer, plug in its AC power adapter. Use a FireWire cable to connect the target computer to a host computer.
- The host computer can be powered on.
- Start up the target computer and immediately press and hold down the T key until the FireWire icon appears. The hard disk of the target computer should become available to the host computer and will likely appear on desktop.
De acordo com a Wikipedia , você pode precisar de algum software especial quando o computador host não for um Mac:
The host computer may run Microsoft Windows, but with some possible shortcomings: to read a Mac's HFS-formatted partitions, extra drivers such as MacDrive, TransMac, MacDisk, or HFSExplorer are necessary. Users also must ensure their computer possesses appropriate interface hardware in order to physically connect to a Mac in Target Mode. MacDrive also has a read-only option to prevent any accidental editing of the computer in Target Disk Mode; however, this mode cannot be set after an HFS/HFS+ disk is mounted. With the addition of HFS drivers into Apple's Bootcamp, it has also become possible for Macs running Windows to read (but not write) HFS partitions, without the purchase of software. Users have separated these drivers from the main Bootcamp install, and now also install on other Windows computers. Host computers running Linux are also able to read and write to a Mac's HFS or HFS+ formatted devices through Target Disk Mode. It is working out-of-the-box on most distributions as HFS+ support is part of the Linux kernel.