Jay fez um ótimo post no ServerFault: Como posso personalizar as configurações padrão ao implantar o Google Chrome for Business? .
A seção relevante é " Escreva um arquivo master_preferences customizado " (pedaços importantes citados abaixo, links removidos desde que não há representação suficiente):
Review the available distribution settings. These are properties of a
object, which is contained within the anonymous object in the master_preferences file. The following list of settings was compiled by combining two Chromium source files: master_preferences_constants.h and master_preferences_constants.cc in /trunk/src/chrome/installer/util/.Review the available non-distribution settings. These settings go outside of the
object in the JSON. They are applied to the user profile when a user runs Chrome for the first time. The full list of settings is available in the Chromium source files pref_names.h and pref_names.cc in /trunk/src/chrome/common/.