How do I know it's an incoming connection from that IP, as opposed to an outgoing connection from my server to that IP?
O Endereço Local é o endereço da máquina em que você está executando os comandos NETSTAT , de modo a entender o estado das conexões TCP ajudará você a entender se ele está chegando ou saindo de uma perspectiva de endereço local.
The Simplified TCP Finite State Machine
State Description: The device has now received a FIN from the other device and acknowledged it, and sent its own FIN and received an ACK for it. We are done, except for waiting to ensure the ACK is received and prevent potential overlap with new connections. (See the topic describing connection termination for more details on this state.)
Event and Transition: Timer Expiration: After a designated wait period, device transitions to the CLOSED state.
(either server or client) represents waiting for enough time to pass to be sure the remote TCP received the acknowledgment of its connection termination request. [According to RFC 793 a connection can stay in TIME-WAIT for a maximum of four minutes known as two MSL (maximum segment lifetime).]
Due to the way TCP/IP works, connections can not be closed immediately. Packets may arrive out of order or be retransmitted after the connection has been closed. CLOSE_WAIT indicates that the remote endpoint (other side of the connection) has closed the connection. TIME_WAIT indicates that local endpoint (this side) has closed the connection. The connection is being kept around so that any delayed packets can be matched to the connection and handled appropriately. The connections will be removed when they time out within four minutes.
rfc793: origem da imagem