curl -I
busca somente os cabeçalhos HTTP; não faz o download da página inteira. De man curl
-I, --head
(HTTP/FTP/FILE) Fetch the HTTP-header only! HTTP-servers feature
the command HEAD which this uses to get nothing but the header
of a document. When used on an FTP or FILE file, curl displays
the file size and last modification time only.
Outra opção é instalar lynx
e usar lynx -head -dump
A solicitação HEAD é especificada pelo protocolo HTTP 1.1 ( RFC 2616 ):
9.4 HEAD
The HEAD method is identical to GET except that the server MUST NOT
return a message-body in the response. The metainformation contained
in the HTTP headers in response to a HEAD request SHOULD be identical
to the information sent in response to a GET request. This method can
be used for obtaining metainformation about the entity implied by the
request without transferring the entity-body itself. This method is
often used for testing hypertext links for validity, accessibility,
and recent modification.