My first instinct was installing the Visual C++ Runtime Redistributable, but this had no avail. After checking out the answers above, I found later versions of it, but the result was the same. The DLLs were appropriately placed by the installers in the SysWOW64 and System32 folders, yet the programs fail to detect them.
Você indicou que tem o VC ++ 2010 e o VC + 2013 instalados. Os programas em questão exigem VC ++ 2012 .
As I said, I tried all combinations of plain 2010, 2010SP1 and 2010MFCSU for both 32 and 64 bit. The solution outlined in the linked questions did not solve my issue.
MSVCR110.dll e MSVCP110.dll são ambos componentes de VC ++ 2012 não VC ++ 2010