O Flash não é carregado no navegador Chrome. Diz "Não foi possível carregar o plug-in".


Percebi que, embora os vídeos em HTML5 funcionem bem, os vídeos em flash não são carregados. Eu pesquisei isso e tentei muitas coisas sem sucesso.

1) Eu tentei desinstalar / reinstalar o Chrome (excluindo tudo, até mesmo a pasta do Google em localappdata).

2) Eu tentei desativar / ativar o Adobe Flash Player em chrome: // plugins /

3) Eu tentei redefinir todas as configurações de chrome: // settings /

4) Eu tentei desativar todas as extensões.

Quando desinstalo e depois reinstalei o Chrome, o problema desaparece. Eu sou capaz de ver vídeos em flash. No entanto, quando faço login no Chrome e faço com que todos os meus favoritos, configurações e extensões sejam sincronizados automaticamente, o problema é retornado.

Abaixo está a lista de extensões que uso:

Página de nova guia vazia

Google Docs off-line

App do histórico de eliminadores

Mailto: para o Gmail ™

Reddit Enhancement Suite

Origem do uBlock

Qual poderia ser o problema?

por John 10.04.2016 / 08:26

1 resposta


Depois de muita pesquisa, encontrei a resposta aqui: link

When the flash player stops loading from one day to the next, it's possible that a recent DLL update to C:\Users\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\PepperFlash.0.0.xxx\pepflashplayer.dll is the cause. The xxx can vary over time: 267, 286..

To test the DLL, hide/rename it as pepflashplayerHide.dll. Close/open Chrome, which will now use it's builtin DLL. If the player works, you've found the culprit. You can stop with the Hide workaround or try to fix the problem.

To correct the problem, delete the PepperFlash folder. Close, open Chrome: the flash player should load. If the problem reappears (after the folder auto updates), there may be permissions problem (see below).

--Details-- The DLL won't load if it's 32/64 bit-type doesn't match the bit-type of Chrome. A mismatch can occur when you switch 32/64-bit Chrome versions and there was a flash player security update lately (here 12/24/15).

Type about:version in the address box to see the Chrome bit-type.

To check the type of the DLL update, look at it's size. (See the PepperFlash path above) Sizes under 17000KB are 32-bit, over 28000KB are 64-bit.

If the bit-types don't match, delete the 20.0.0.xxx folder. If the bit-types match, there can still be a permissions problem - delete the PepperFlash folder.

When you hide the DLL or delete the folder, Chrome will fall back to it's builtin version and flash should work.

After deleting the folder, you'll get an auto-update soon (usually <30 min). Or you can update it immediately from about:components.

If the problem returns with the update (watch the PepperFlash folder), try running Chrome as Administrator. If this lets the plugin load, there may be permission problems.

You can circumvent the permissions failure by hiding the DLL again, see above. This will block additional updates (to this 20.0.0.xxx) and use the less secure builtin DLL. Quick, but not optimal.

The better approach is to fix the folder permissions.. You only need to fix the 20.0.0.xxx folder, the critical permission is 'Read and Execute'. Try this succinct Best Answer (old but good) or see this recent longer one.

The 32/64-bit conflict is being worked as bug 546017. Institutional users may see the same "Couldn't load plugin" failure, but this is related to network share permissions. See bug 572131 for details.

por 13.04.2016 / 09:00