Você deve conseguir alterar o número máximo de itens que aparecem nas listas de saltos utilizando o Editor do Registro:
- Do a search for regedit, then right-click and Run as administrator
- If necessary, acknowledge the UAC prompt
Navigate to the following location:
If the JumpListItems_Maximum value doesn't already exist, right-click the Advanced key, select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value, type JumpListItems_Maximum and press Enter:
In the right pane of the Advanced key, double-click on the JumpListItems_Maximum value to modify it.
Select (dot) Decimal and type a number (11 or higher) for the maximum items you want in your jump lists, and click on OK:
The end result should resemble the following:
Close the Registry Editor
- Reboot
Fonte: Como alterar o número máximo de itens nas listas de atalhos no Windows 10