A maneira como essas unidades são falsificadas para mostrar maior capacidade é modificando / hackeando o firmware, portanto, a unidade relata mais armazenamento do que realmente existe. Eu acho que você precisaria de alguma forma reverter essa mudança de firmware. Mas lembre-se de que essas unidades são conhecidas por perder e corromper seus dados quando você excede o limite de armazenamento real. O fato de você poder escrever na unidade não significa necessariamente que você pode ler os dados de volta.
Dito isso, um rápido google apareceu nesta página que descreve um procedimento para atualizar o firmware corrigido usando o MPTools. Eu nunca usei isso, use por sua conta e risco: link
Edit: Além disso, leia estes: link link
Unless the pen drive contains one of the popular controller chips (Microv, ICreate or Alcor families) and memory storage chips (Samsung & Hynix) finding the correct low level software program will be a challenge. You will spend a significant amount of time looking for solutions and may not be successful in your efforts.
You may find some software on a website that you think could fix your drive and inadvertently download a virus or other forms of malware. McAfee’s Siteminder identifies some of the download sites as containing malicious software or software that breaches browser security.
The drive may also be irreparably damaged during the repair process. Using the wrong software can destroy the flash storage chip. Using a program someone else used with their previous sitting i.e. leaving the ECC open could destroy access to the storage chip, as information in the controller is over written.
Could you ever trust a repaired drive with your data files or pictures? The unscrupulous creators of the fake flash drives maximise their profits by using the lowest cost chips they can purchase. The quality of these chips range from average to poor. When the chips fail you may be lucky and just loose all the files that you have stored on the drive, or worse – the contents of the files can be corrupted and remain undetected by you.