Está desligando uma régua de energia o suficiente para proteger de raios?


Meu prédio não tem "terra" instalada, então um protetor contra surtos é inútil para mim. Estou curioso para saber se desligar os comutadores em uma régua de energia não garante nenhum dano aos meus dispositivos conectados a ela quando houver um raio. Normalmente, eu desligaria todos os dispositivos, mas estou apenas perguntando se esqueci de fazer isso.

por 9room 22.04.2017 / 19:44

1 resposta


A desativação dos interruptores em uma régua de energia não garante danos aos meus dispositivos?

Não. Um surto de relâmpago no seu suprimento elétrico simplesmente mudaria o interruptor.


The best, and cheapest, way to protect your stereo, television, computer, or any electronic appliance is to unplug all power, telephone (modem), and antenna connections during a thunderstorm.

Mitos do relâmpago: protetores contra surtos e dispositivos de no-break fornecem proteção total contra raios.

A common surge protector will stop voltage spikes and surges, but not the violent, catastrophic burst of current from a close lightning strike. Direct lightning current is simply too big to protect with a little electronic device inside a power strip, or even a hefty UPS unit. If your UPS or surge protector i


Lightning current often peaks at 100,000 or more Amperes. With that in mind, consider if you have a lightning protection system installed, and your house is hit directly by lightning. If the protection system takes even 99.9% of the current, then your electrical wiring may take the remaining 0.1%. 0.1% of 100,000 Amperes is a 100 Amp surge through your lines- which may be enough to take out your computer.

It is not uncommon for 'side flashes' to occur inside a house or building, where all or a part of the lightning will jump across an entire room to reach ground- such as from the electrical wiring system to well-grounded water pipes. If your computer is in the way, it'll be time to shop for a new one, even if you have the most expensive protection system installed.

A 'side flash' often occurs when lightning branches out into several channels as it tries to bury itself deep into earth. So even if the bulk of the current is flowing to ground through the heavy cables of your protection system, there can be small 'overflow' disharges, even if the lightning hits outside of the structure. Such an event was experienced by my Grandmother, who witnessed a 6-foot long blue spark jump across the room from a wall outlet to the kitchen faucet as lightning struck nearby.

Fonte Mitos do relâmpago: protetores contra surtos e dispositivos UPS fornecem proteção total contra raios.

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por 22.04.2017 / 19:59
