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no campo de pesquisa da caixa de diálogo de pesquisa e substituição. Além disso, a opção Use curingas deve ser selecionada para que isso funcione.
Aqui está um exemplo:
6374-6375 | Added on Wednesday, February 18, 2015 9:18:24
Each teacher had thousands of students, and they would regularly challenge the students of the other teachers.
6376-6376 | Added on Wednesday, February 18, 2015 9:18:50
As the Lord was young and restless, He would also quarrel with the other students.
6378-6379 | Added on Wednesday, February 18, 2015 9:19:23
Someone would challenge, “Your teacher is not very learned.” Another would say, “See whose disciple I am.”
Como você pode ver, antes de cada parágrafo, há uma linha começando com o mesmo padrão. Eu preciso me livrar de todas as linhas no documento para que eu entenda:
Each teacher had thousands of students, and they would regularly challenge the students of the other teachers.
As the Lord was young and restless, He would also quarrel with the other students.
Someone would challenge, “Your teacher is not very learned.” Another would say, “See whose disciple I am.”
Você pode usar essa fórmula
????-???? | Added on*:*:???
no campo de pesquisa da caixa de diálogo de pesquisa e substituição. Além disso, a opção Use curingas deve ser selecionada para que isso funcione.
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