O Gracenote do Auto-Tag do Winamp diz que nenhum fósforo foi encontrado?


Por vários dias, quando clico no botão Auto-Tag no Winamp, ele diz "Nenhuma correspondência encontrada". Por exemplo:

Alguém sabe como consertar isso?

por IMB 22.05.2014 / 06:07

3 respostas


De fóruns do WinAmp: Problemas do CDDB (os serviços da Gracenote não funcionam mais no Winamp: razão pela qual foram explicados)

it looks like the access Winamp had to Gracenote's services has been terminated and is the reason why things have stopped working.

this was going to happen anyway as a result of the sale of Winamp and SHOUTcast in January where the deal with them was not going to be renewed (and if Winamp and SHOUTcast hadn't been bought, what you're now seeing would have happened anyway), but we weren't at all sure when things were going to stop working (as all that was known is it might be sometime between the start of 2014 and early 2015).

as such until a new Winamp client is released with a Musicbrainz based solution (as we're not aiming to have a new client out until the end of the year due to the mass of work required to remove / replace the AOL / Gracenote specific parts), there's not much i can really suggest at the time on what can be done as an alternative for the Gracenote powered features.

por 22.05.2014 / 14:13

Gracenote ainda funciona - no iTunes da Apple. Parece ser mais um problema do WinAmp-Gracenote quando o WinAmp foi abortado. Mas a palavra é WinAmp está prestes a fazer um retorno. Nós só podemos esperar!

por 11.06.2014 / 13:24

Acho que o serviço tem um problema ou pode ser o pior, foi desativado. Em outras palavras, não podemos mais usar o recurso de marcação automática.

por 22.05.2014 / 10:21