então, se você estiver familiarizado com a linha de comando
FileList do link
filelist /?
FileList V2.0
Prints a list of all files in a file system branch
FILELIST [/OPTION] [/FILTER pattern1;pattern2;...] Path [>list.csv]
/OWNERS Adds a coluimn with the file owners (slower)
/NOHEADER Leaves out the column headers and only prints the raw data
/ATTRIBUTES Includes the attributes that are set for each files
/MD5 Adds a column wit the MD5 checksum of each file
/AUTHORS Additionally extracts name of the author from MS Office documents
/LASTSAVEDATE Additionally extracts the last save date from MS Office documents
/FILTER Allows to specify one or more filters, separated with semicolons
For example: filelist /md5 C:\temp > list.csv
Add new files then run again filelist /md5 C:\temp > list2.csv
ou md5deep do link
md5deep.exe -r C:\temp >> md5hashes1.txt modify files and run again
md5deep.exe -r C:\temp >> md5hashes2.txt
agora apenas compare list.csv com list2.csv no excel ou com qualquer utilitário diff (Windifff por exemplo)
caso contrário, vá para:
MD5summer do link
hksfv do link