De um Post do fórum do TechNet :
If the account name is less than three characters long, this check is not performed because the rate at which passwords would be rejected is too high.
When checking against the user's full name, several characters are treated as delimiters that separate the name into individual tokens: commas, periods, dashes/hyphens, underscores, spaces, pound-signs and tabs.
For each token that is three or more characters long, that token is searched for in the password; if it is present the password change is rejected.
For example, the name
"Joey M. Williams"
would be split into three tokens:
Because the second token is only one character long, it would be ignored. Therefore, this user could not have a password that included either "Joey " or "Williams" as a substring anywhere in the password.
All of these checks are case insensitive.
Observação: Para esclarecimentos, a restrição two consecutive characters
se aplica à divisão das strings, não à complexidade da senha.
por exemplo. "Joey M. Williams"
poderia usar JoeP@$$w0rd
, mas não JoeyP@$$w0rd