O disco criptografado com cryptsetup no Linux pode ser lido no Windows?


Eu preciso criptografar meu disco USB para que seja acessível tanto no Ubuntu quanto no Windows 7. Eu pretendo usar o cryptsetup no Linux e outro no Windows, se isso for possível. É possível usar unidades cryptsetup no Windows?

por TorosFanny 28.05.2013 / 13:02

1 resposta


Aqui está o que a Wikipédia diz:

dm-crypt and LUKS encrypted disks can be accessed and used under MS Windows using FreeOTFE, provided that the filesystem used is supported by Windows (e.g. FAT/FAT32/NTFS).

Encrypted Ext2, Ext3 and Ext4 filesystems are supported by use of Ext2Fsd (all ext* versions) or Ext2 Installable File System for Windows (ext2 and ext3 only) and with FreeOTFE

Cryptsetup/LUKS and the required infrastructure have also been implemented on the DragonFly BSD operating system.[6]


por 28.05.2013 / 15:49