CookieCuller no Chrome


Qual é o equivalente do add-on do Firefox CookieCuller para o Google Chrome?

por Miscreant 25.11.2012 / 14:03

1 resposta


Bem, você pode usar qualquer uma dessas três extensões do Chrome:

Recursos do Gerenciador de cookies :

Search through cookies
See all cookies
See cookies from sub domains
See cookies from current domain
Delete all cookies (note: some cookies recreate itself after deletion. So it may appear again in the list after deletion)
Delete cookies from a particular domain
Delete particular cookie
Add new cookie
Edit existing cookie

Gerente do cookie de baunilha :

With Vanilla you can select which cookies you want to keep on a whitelist. All unwanted cookies are deleted automatically (or manually if you prefer).

Recursos de Editar este cookie :

Delete any cookie
Edit any cookie
Add a new cookie
Search a cookie
Protect a cookie (read-only)
Block cookies (cookie filter)
Export cookies in JSON, Netscape cookie file (perfect for wget and curl), Perl::LPW
Import cookies in JSON
Limit the maximum expiration date of any cookie

por 25.11.2012 / 15:07