Que informações são armazenadas no NTUSER.dat no Windows XP?


Quais informações são armazenadas na seção de registro NTUSER.dat ? Por favor, tente ser específico e evitar respostas como "configurações do usuário".

por rodey 15.03.2010 / 20:44

1 resposta


Entradas de registro específicas do usuário.

do MS :

"With the hive registry, each time a new user logs on, a new directory is created for that user with a separate file for the user registry. This is called the user profile hive. A user's hive contains specific registry information pertaining to that user's applications, desktop, environment, network connections, and printer settings. The user profile hive contains all data under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key. When the current user is logged off and another user is logged on, the new user's hive is mounted, and the data under HKEY_CURRENT_USER changes."


por 15.03.2010 / 20:49