Como posso bloquear meu Mac quando saio? [duplicado]


Isso tem que ser uma pergunta fácil e trivial, mas como um novo usuário de Mac, como posso bloquear meu Mac quando saio de casa?

No Windows, isso é muito simples - Win + L . Ou pressione Ctrl-Alt-Del e selecione "Bloquear este computador"

A melhor coisa que eu encontrei para o Mac é manipular o protetor de tela para exigir senha ao acordar, definir um canto quente para disparar o protetor de tela e fazer isso quando eu sair. O que parece realmente "Windows 3.1" para mim.

Existe um método no estilo Win + L para bloquear rapidamente o meu Mac quando saio?

por Tom Kidd 31.03.2010 / 17:03

2 respostas


Dê uma olhada neste site para ter a mesma tecla de atalho do Windows para bloquear o seu Mac.

É simples e fácil:


One of the things that confused me the most when I switched to the Mac platform was the fact that there's no built-in way to lock the computer manually with a hotkey when walking away from it. This is something that was drilled into me from working in an office full of pranksters where leaving your computer unlocked was virtually a guaran

It turns out that this is an oversight in Mac OS X, and a 3rd party utility is required to be able to lock your computer with a hotkey. For a simple solution I would suggest installing a very basic preferences pane called LockTight.tee that you would be hosting a party for all of your co-workers that coming weekend.

por 31.03.2010 / 17:05

De esta dica em MacOSXHints (nenhum software de terceiros é necessário).

First, check the General tab on the Security System Preferences panel to ensure that the Require password [some period] after sleep or screen saver begins box is checked.

Then, open Automator in the Applications folder, and select Service from the screen that appears. At the top of the new Service's actions, in the Service receives drop-down, select no input from the options. Make sure that any application is selected in the second drop-down.

Add the Start Screensaver action (in the Utilities group of actions) to the Service by dragging it to the right. Save the Service (Automator does not ask you where to save it, just to name it). Next, open System Preferences and select the Keyboard preference pane. Select the Keyboard Shortcuts tab at the top, then the Services group on the left. The service you created should be near the bottom of the list of Services under the General disclosure triangle.

Double-click on the right side of the entry for the Service you created and assign a keyboard shortcut. This was a bit unintuitive, because the shortcut column is not distinctly visible, so it is not obvious that you can double-click in the assigned shortcut column to add a shortcut.

I had difficulty picking a keyboard shortcut that would work in 10.6.0. Command-L did not work for me, because it is assigned the Show All Preferences menu item in System Preferences. Control-L also did not work for me. Command-Shift-L did work once I reassigned the Search with Google Service a different shortcut.

por 31.03.2010 / 17:11