Confuso - por que meu Windows 10 foi reiniciado mesmo que nenhuma atualização tenha sido gravada?


Acabei de testemunhar um comportamento muito estranho na minha máquina Windows 10 Home . Eu tranquei o laptop para ir jantar, e quando voltei e o destranquei, era óbvio que o Windows havia reiniciado. O Excel e o Word abriram com salvamentos de recuperação, outros programas foram fechados, alguns programas que normalmente são inicializados juntos com o sistema estavam em execução, apesar de eu os ter fechado antes.

Eu entrei às 19:00 de 25/02. Eu tranquei o laptop 1-2 horas antes, então o problema deve ter ocorrido naquele tempo. Abaixo algumas infos do Visualizador de Eventos (registros do sistema; também posso postar o log do aplicativo, se necessário):

Error   25/02/2018 19:13:01 DistributedCOM  10016   None
Error   25/02/2018 19:08:15 DistributedCOM  10016   None
Information 25/02/2018 19:06:44 Service Control Manager 7040    None
Information 25/02/2018 19:04:22 Service Control Manager 7040    None
Warning 25/02/2018 19:01:42 Netwtw04    6105    None
Information 25/02/2018 19:01:02 Service Control Manager 7040    None
Warning 25/02/2018 19:00:53 Netwtw04    6105    None
Error   25/02/2018 19:00:11 DistributedCOM  10010   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:58:25 Service Control Manager 7040    None
Error   25/02/2018 18:58:20 DistributedCOM  10016   None
Error   25/02/2018 18:58:19 DistributedCOM  10016   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:58:17 FilterManager   6   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:58:17 Kernel-General  16  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:58:17 Kernel-General  16  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:58:17 Kernel-General  16  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:58:10 Kernel-General  16  None
Error   25/02/2018 18:58:09 DistributedCOM  10016   None
Error   25/02/2018 18:58:09 DistributedCOM  10016   None
Error   25/02/2018 18:58:09 DistributedCOM  10016   None
Error   25/02/2018 18:58:09 DistributedCOM  10016   None
Error   25/02/2018 18:58:09 DistributedCOM  10016   None
Error   25/02/2018 18:58:09 DistributedCOM  10016   None
Error   25/02/2018 18:58:09 DistributedCOM  10016   None
Error   25/02/2018 18:58:09 DistributedCOM  10016   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:58:08 Kernel-General  16  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:58:06 Kernel-General  16  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:58:04 Kernel-General  16  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:58:04 Kernel-General  16  None
Error   25/02/2018 18:58:00 DistributedCOM  10016   None
Error   25/02/2018 18:58:00 DistributedCOM  10016   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:58:00 UserModePowerService    12  (10)
Information 25/02/2018 18:58:00 Kernel-General  16  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:58:00 Kernel-General  15  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:58:00 Winlogon    7001    (1101)
Information 25/02/2018 18:09:56 Service Control Manager 7040    None
Information 25/02/2018 18:07:53 Service Control Manager 7040    None
Error   25/02/2018 18:07:41 DistributedCOM  10010   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:46 TPM-WMI 1025    None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:46 Kernel-General  16  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:44 TPM-WMI 1025    None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:42 TPM 18  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:41 Service Control Manager 7040    None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:41 Kernel-General  16  None
Warning 25/02/2018 18:05:41 WHEA-Logger 17  None
Warning 25/02/2018 18:05:41 WHEA-Logger 17  None
Warning 25/02/2018 18:05:41 WHEA-Logger 17  None
Warning 25/02/2018 18:05:41 WHEA-Logger 17  None
Warning 25/02/2018 18:05:41 WHEA-Logger 17  None
Warning 25/02/2018 18:05:41 WHEA-Logger 17  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:41 Service Control Manager 7026    None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:40 WLAN-AutoConfig 4000    None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 Kernel-General  16  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 UserModePowerService    12  (10)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 UserModePowerService    12  (10)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 UserModePowerService    12  (10)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 FilterManager   6   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 FilterManager   6   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 FilterManager   6   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 Lfsvc   2   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 FilterManager   6   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 DHCPv6-Client   51046   Service State Event
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 Dhcp-Client 50103   Service State Event
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 Dhcp-Client 50036   Service State Event
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 EventLog    6013    None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 EventLog    6009    None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 EventLog    6005    None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 UserModePowerService    12  (10)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 Kernel-General  16  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 UserModePowerService    12  (10)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 UserModePowerService    12  (10)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 UserModePowerService    12  (10)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 UserModePowerService    12  (10)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 UserModePowerService    12  (10)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 Kernel-General  16  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 Kernel-General  16  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 Kernel-General  16  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 Directory-Services-SAM  16962   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 Kernel-General  16  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:39 Wininit 14  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:38 FilterManager   6   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:37 FilterManager   6   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:37 Kernel-General  16  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:37 BTHUSB  18  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:36 Kernel-General  15  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:34 Ntfs (Microsoft-Windows-Ntfs)   98  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:34 Kernel-Power    521 (220)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:34 MEIx64  2   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:34 Ntfs (Microsoft-Windows-Ntfs)   98  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:34 Kernel-Power    521 (220)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:34 Kernel-Processor-Power (Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Processor-Power)   55  (47)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:34 Kernel-Processor-Power (Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Processor-Power)   55  (47)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:34 Kernel-Processor-Power (Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Processor-Power)   55  (47)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:34 Kernel-Processor-Power (Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Processor-Power)   55  (47)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:34 Kernel-Processor-Power (Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Processor-Power)   55  (47)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:34 Kernel-Processor-Power (Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Processor-Power)   55  (47)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:34 Kernel-Processor-Power (Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Processor-Power)   55  (47)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:34 Kernel-Processor-Power (Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Processor-Power)   55  (47)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:34 Netwtw04    7010    None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:34 Ntfs (Microsoft-Windows-Ntfs)   98  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:34 Netwtw04    7001    None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:34 Netwtw04    7036    None
Warning 25/02/2018 18:05:34 Kernel-PnP  219 (212)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:34 DriverFrameworks-UserMode   10118   Startup of the UMDF reflector
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:33 Kernel-Power    172 (203)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:33 FilterManager   6   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:33 FilterManager   6   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:33 FilterManager   6   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:33 Ntfs (Microsoft-Windows-Ntfs)   98  None
Error   25/02/2018 18:05:33 hpdskflt    1001    None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:33 FilterManager   6   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:33 FilterManager   6   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:33 FilterManager   6   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:33 FilterManager   6   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:33 FilterManager   6   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:32 Kernel-Boot 30  (21)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:32 Kernel-Boot 32  (58)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:32 Kernel-Boot 18  (57)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:32 Kernel-Boot 25  (32)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:32 Kernel-Boot 27  (33)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:32 Kernel-Boot 20  (31)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:32 Kernel-Boot 153 (62)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:32 Kernel-General  12  (1)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:25 Kernel-General  13  (2)
Warning 25/02/2018 18:05:25 DNS Client Events   1014    (1014)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:23 Kernel-Power    109 (103)
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:18 WLAN-AutoConfig 4001    None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:17 EventLog    6006    None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:17 Dhcp-Client 50037   Service State Event
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:17 Dhcp-Client 50106   Service State Event
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:17 DHCPv6-Client   51057   Service State Event
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:17 DHCPv6-Client   51057   Service State Event
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:17 DHCPv6-Client   51047   Service State Event
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:17 Dhcp-Client 50105   Service State Event
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:17 Dhcp-Client 50104   Service State Event
Error   25/02/2018 18:05:15 DistributedCOM  10005   None
Error   25/02/2018 18:05:14 Service Control Manager 7023    None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:13 Winlogon    7002    (1102)
Error   25/02/2018 18:05:13 DistributedCOM  10010   None
Error   25/02/2018 18:05:13 DistributedCOM  10010   None
Error   25/02/2018 18:05:13 DistributedCOM  10010   None
Error   25/02/2018 18:05:13 DistributedCOM  10010   None
Error   25/02/2018 18:05:13 DistributedCOM  10010   None
Error   25/02/2018 18:05:13 DistributedCOM  10010   None
Information 25/02/2018 18:05:00 User32  1074    None
Information 25/02/2018 18:01:22 Kernel-General  1   (5)
Information 25/02/2018 18:01:22 Time-Service    35  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:01:18 Kernel-General  16  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:01:07 Time-Service    37  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:01:06 Time-Service    158 None
Information 25/02/2018 18:01:01 Kernel-General  15  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:00:59 Kernel-General  16  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:00:58 Kernel-General  15  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:00:57 Kernel-General  16  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:00:57 Kernel-General  16  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:00:57 Kernel-General  15  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:00:50 Kernel-General  11  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:00:50 Kernel-General  11  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:00:50 Kernel-General  15  None
Information 25/02/2018 18:00:02 Service Control Manager 7040    None
Information 25/02/2018 17:57:37 Service Control Manager 7040    None
Information 25/02/2018 17:41:32 WindowsUpdateClient 19  Windows Update Agent
Information 25/02/2018 17:41:32 WindowsUpdateClient 43  Windows Update Agent
Information 25/02/2018 17:41:27 Service Control Manager 7040    None
Information 25/02/2018 17:41:27 UserPnp 20001   (7005)
Information 25/02/2018 17:41:27 Ntfs (Microsoft-Windows-Ntfs)   98  None
Error   25/02/2018 17:41:18 DistributedCOM  10016   None
Information 25/02/2018 17:33:01 Service Control Manager 7040    None
Information 25/02/2018 17:31:28 WindowsUpdateClient 44  Windows Update Agent
Error   25/02/2018 17:30:59 DistributedCOM  10016   None
Information 25/02/2018 17:28:02 UserPnp 20001   (7005)
Information 25/02/2018 17:28:02 UserPnp 20003   (7005)
Warning 25/02/2018 17:27:59 WHEA-Logger 17  None
Information 25/02/2018 17:27:57 Power-Troubleshooter    1   None
Information 25/02/2018 17:27:57 Service Control Manager 7040    None
Information 25/02/2018 17:27:55 Kernel-Boot 25  (32)
Information 25/02/2018 17:27:55 Kernel-Boot 27  (33)
Information 25/02/2018 17:27:55 Kernel-Boot 32  (58)
Information 25/02/2018 17:27:55 Kernel-Boot 18  (57)
Information 25/02/2018 17:27:55 Kernel-Boot 30  (21)
Information 25/02/2018 17:27:55 BTHUSB  18  None
Information 25/02/2018 17:27:54 UserModePowerService    12  (10)
Information 25/02/2018 17:27:54 UserModePowerService    12  (10)
Information 25/02/2018 17:27:54 UserModePowerService    12  (10)
Information 25/02/2018 17:27:54 EventLog    6013    None
Information 25/02/2018 17:27:53 Kernel-General  1   (5)

O mais estranho é que no histórico do Windows Update, nenhuma atualização do sistema foi instalada hoje. Tenho problemas em entender o que aconteceu e gostaria de evitar isso daqui para frente. Alguma idéia do que está errado?

por deca 25.02.2018 / 19:57

1 resposta


Eles parecem suspeitos: Warning 25/02/2018 18:05:34 Kernel-PnP 219 (212) e Error 25/02/2018 18:05:33 hpdskflt 1001 None e este pode dizer por que houve uma reinicialização: Information 25/02/2018 18:05:00 User32 1074 None

Além disso, há definitivamente alguma atividade de atualização do Windows em andamento: Information 25/02/2018 17:41:32 WindowsUpdateClient 19 Windows Update Agent Information 25/02/2018 17:41:32 WindowsUpdateClient 43 Windows Update Agent

Você verificou os detalhes do User32, que diz:

The process c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe (LAPTOP-XX) has initiated the restart of computer LAPTOP-XX on behalf of user NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM for the following reason: Operating System: Service pack (Planned) Reason Code: 0x80020010 Shut-down Type: restart Comment: The strange thing is still that there is no update listed in the Windows Update history...

Isso indica claramente que uma instalação do Windows Update / feature pack é responsável pela reinicialização. Observe que essas instalações de feature pack nem sempre aparecem na guia de configurações do Windows Update.

por 25.02.2018 / 20:45