Com um novo login no ssh:
$ umask
$ find . -maxdepth 1 -name '.*' -type f | xargs grep 007 | less
# grep 007 /etc/profile
# grep -i umask /etc/login.defs
# UMASK Default "umask" value.
# UMASK is the default umask value for pam_umask and is used by
# 022 is the "historical" value in Debian for UMASK
# Other former uses of this variable such as setting the umask when
# grep -i umask /etc/pam.d/common-session
session optional usergroups
WTF? Debian inventa umask arbitrária ?? E não há outra fonte em / etc que corresponda a 007!
O sistema usa LDAP (nscld, pam_ldap) para autenticação
Mais informações: isso acontece apenas para um usuário. Não é para root ou um usuário diferente. Assim que eu 'su' para o usuário eu recebo novamente 007.
Como root:
# strace -f -o basz.log su baduser
Algo está configurando essa umask, mas não sei o que:
2622 open("/etc/group", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 4
2622 _llseek(4, 0, [0], SEEK_CUR) = 0
2622 fstat64(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=1719, ...}) = 0
2622 mmap2(NULL, 1719, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, 4, 0) = 0xb7786000
2622 _llseek(4, 1719, [1719], SEEK_SET) = 0
2622 fstat64(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=1719, ...}) = 0
2622 munmap(0xb7786000, 1719) = 0
2622 close(4) = 0
2622 socket(PF_FILE, SOCK_STREAM, 0) = 4
2622 connect(4, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path="/var/run/nslcd/socket"}, 23) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 321946}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 322029}, NULL) = 0
2622 poll([{fd=4, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 10000) = 1 ([{fd=4, revents=POLLOUT}])
2622 send(4, "$ umask
$ find . -maxdepth 1 -name '.*' -type f | xargs grep 007 | less
# grep 007 /etc/profile
# grep -i umask /etc/login.defs
# UMASK Default "umask" value.
# UMASK is the default umask value for pam_umask and is used by
# 022 is the "historical" value in Debian for UMASK
# Other former uses of this variable such as setting the umask when
# grep -i umask /etc/pam.d/common-session
session optional usergroups
# strace -f -o basz.log su baduser
2622 open("/etc/group", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 4
2622 _llseek(4, 0, [0], SEEK_CUR) = 0
2622 fstat64(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=1719, ...}) = 0
2622 mmap2(NULL, 1719, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, 4, 0) = 0xb7786000
2622 _llseek(4, 1719, [1719], SEEK_SET) = 0
2622 fstat64(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=1719, ...}) = 0
2622 munmap(0xb7786000, 1719) = 0
2622 close(4) = 0
2622 socket(PF_FILE, SOCK_STREAM, 0) = 4
2622 connect(4, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path="/var/run/nslcd/socket"}, 23) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 321946}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 322029}, NULL) = 0
2622 poll([{fd=4, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 10000) = 1 ([{fd=4, revents=POLLOUT}])
2622 send(4, "%pre%%pre%%pre%2%pre%%pre%1%pre%%pre%", 12, MSG_NOSIGNAL) = 12
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 322363}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 322464}, NULL) = 0
2622 poll([{fd=4, events=POLLIN}], 1, 60000) = 1 ([{fd=4, revents=POLLIN|POLLHUP}])
2622 read(4, "%pre%%pre%%pre%2%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%baduser%pre%%pre%%pre%*1%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%"..., 1024) = 57
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 323811}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 323898}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 323983}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 324067}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 324170}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 324256}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 324340}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 324434}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 324518}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 324602}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 324686}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 324772}, NULL) = 0
2622 poll([{fd=4, events=POLLIN}], 1, 0) = 1 ([{fd=4, revents=POLLIN|POLLHUP}])
2622 read(4, "", 1024) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 325036}, NULL) = 0
2622 close(4) = 0
2622 umask(0777) = 027
2622 umask(07) = 0777
%pre%1%pre%%pre%", 12, MSG_NOSIGNAL) = 12
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 322363}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 322464}, NULL) = 0
2622 poll([{fd=4, events=POLLIN}], 1, 60000) = 1 ([{fd=4, revents=POLLIN|POLLHUP}])
2622 read(4, "%pre%%pre%%pre%2%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%baduser%pre%%pre%%pre%*1%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%"..., 1024) = 57
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 323811}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 323898}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 323983}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 324067}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 324170}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 324256}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 324340}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 324434}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 324518}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 324602}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 324686}, NULL) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 324772}, NULL) = 0
2622 poll([{fd=4, events=POLLIN}], 1, 0) = 1 ([{fd=4, revents=POLLIN|POLLHUP}])
2622 read(4, "", 1024) = 0
2622 gettimeofday({1404702848, 325036}, NULL) = 0
2622 close(4) = 0
2622 umask(0777) = 027
2622 umask(07) = 0777
Mais informações:
- Se eu escrever "umask 0027" no / etc / profile, ele também funciona!
- Se eu remover o diretório inicial e recriá-lo, o problema persistirá