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Hi It is possible if you have the unpacked Windows 7 driver files of the current storage controller. What you need to do is to boot from the "Windows 7" setup DVD, System repair CD or from a "WinPE 3.0" and use the DISM command to inject the storage controller driver . You will find more info in the below links.
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Install Microsoft/Generic Storage Drivers This includes MSAHCI, IntelIDE, AMDIDE, ATAPI, PCIIDE and so on:
dism /image:d:\ /add-driver /driver:d:\windows\inf\mshdc.inf /forceunsigned (D: is assumed to be the Windows SystemDrive partition.)
Install LSI MegaRAID / SAS/SATA Drivers dism /image:d:\ /add-driver /driver:d:\windows\inf\megaraid.inf /forceunsigned (D: is assumed to be the Windows SystemDrive partition.)
Install VirtIO Storage Drivers If you have the VirtIO drivers ISO mounted, and added the drivers in the Recovery GUI, dism can add them to the offline Windows as well:
dism /image:c:\ /add-driver /driver:d:\win7\amd64\viostor.inf (C: is assumed to be the Windows SystemDrive partition, and D: is the virtio ISO/CD.)
que é exatamente o que eu precisava. Eu usei o DVD de instalação para carregar na Recuperação do Windows e carreguei o driver PCIe SATA que estava faltando em um USB. Uma vez carregado, eu pude tentar uma recuperação que falhou ou foi bem-sucedida, mas depois abri o prompt de comando das opções disponíveis e executei o comando dism para instalar o driver da unidade USB no disco rígido.