Seu cache de miniaturas pode estar quebrado. Você pode limpá-lo usando a limpeza de disco e verificando "Miniaturas".
Se isso não funcionar, você pode tentar os seguintes comandos CMD:
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
(para matar o explorador de arquivos)
del /f /s /q /a %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\thumbcache_*.db
(para excluir os arquivos de cache)
start explorer.exe
(para iniciar o gerenciador de arquivos novamente)
Fonte dos comandos do CMD: link :
How to recreate the thumbnail cache using Command Prompt
In the case, the previous steps didn't work, or you prefer to use command lines, you can use Command Prompt to delete and clear the thumbnail cache on Windows 10.Open Start. Search for Command Prompt. Right-click the result and select Run as administrator. Type the following command to stop File Explorer and press Enter:
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
Type the following command to delete all the thumbnail database files without asking for confirmation and press Enter:
del /f /s /q /a %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\thumbcache_*.db
Type the following command to start File Explorer and press Enter:
start explorer.exe
Close Command Prompt to complete the task