Como corrigir o erro “Preview Handler Surrogate parou de funcionar”?


Eu recebi esse erro pelo menos uma vez por dia. Quando isso acontece, normalmente só fecho e ignoro a notificação. Eu reinicio meu computador de manhã, às vezes, e isso acontece novamente. Eu me deparo com o comportamento estranho da janela quando isso acontece, como clicar na janela na barra de tarefas e não maximizar ou maximizar atrás de todas as outras janelas. Além disso, o ALT + TAB não funciona às vezes.

  • Windows 7 64 bit 6.1.7601 SP1
  • O aplicativo afetado é prevhost.exe
  • O módulo de falha é StackHash_32ff

por aknewhope 15.01.2013 / 18:56

1 resposta


Como esta página explica em detalhes:

StackHash is not a real module. It is a constructed name because the Instruction Pointer was pointing to a known module at the time of the crash. The number after the StackHash_ is a semi-unique number calculated at the time of the crash such that if the same crash occurred on multiple PCs then they have a reasonable chance to be correlated.

Algumas das razões para as falhas do StackHash incluem:

  • The application itself has a fault causing it to call a function in a piece of memory that does not contain any code as in the example above.
  • A virus checker, virtual drive S/W, security systems (or other application) has injected a piece of code into the address space of the application that crashes for some reason. In this case there is no identifiable module so a StackHash_XXXX will be created.
  • A virus has infected the machine and the virus code is executing in the context of the faulting application.
  • There is a bug in the operating system or other shared component on the system.
  • The application has become corrupted either by a disk error or virus.

O que fazer se você receber uma falha no StackHash?

  1. First configure Problems Reports and Solutions in Control panel to Check for Solutions automatically and Automatically send more information. Then check if there are fixes available for your application. If there are then download and install them.
  2. Make sure your Window Operating system has all the latest service packs, security updates and other fixes installed.
  3. Most applications have a Check for Updates feature. Use it to make sure you have the latest version of the S/W. Alternatively visit the company website and check for new versions and patches.
  4. Run an up-to-date anti-virus and anti-malware checker on the machine and fix any issues. If a virus is detected in the application then you may need to reinstall the application.
  5. Re-install the application. Through Control Panel \ Programs \ Uninstall a program. Right click the application and click Uninstall / Change. This should launch the installer which may give the option to Repair the installation. If not then you will need to uninstall and reinstall - make sure you have the original installation discs available before uninstalling.
  6. Disable any Virtual Drive software that may be hooking in to the application. If the problem goes away, contact the developer of the Virtual Drive software.
  7. Disable any Virus checkers on your machine (temporarily) and run the application again. If the problem goes away, contact the developer of the Virus Checking software.
  8. Check if the problem is reproducible (after a reboot). If it is, then attempt to narrow down the exact steps that cause the fault, write them down and contact the support department for the company that developed the application providing as much information about the crash and what you have done so far to attempt to resolve the issue.

Se nada ajudar, veja uma solução alternativa que você pode tentar:

  1. Ir para Control Panel / System and Security / System
  2. Selecione Configurações avançadas do sistema nos links à esquerda
  3. Na guia Avançado da caixa de diálogo Propriedades do sistema , clique em Configurações botão na seção Desempenho na parte superior da tela
  4. Clique na guia Prevenção de execução de dados
  5. Selecione a opção Ativar a DEP para todos os programas e serviços, exceto os que eu selecionar
  6. Navegue para localizar o arquivo executável do aplicativo que você estava tentando iniciar quando recebeu o erro StackHash ou AppCrash
  7. Selecione o aplicativo relacionado ao erro StackHash ou Appcrash e clique em Abrir para adicioná-lo à sua lista de exceções de DEP
  8. OK sua saída

Eu também recomendo testar sua memória RAM minuciosamente (de preferência um único bastão de cada vez) usando Memtest86 ou Memtest86 + .

por 16.01.2013 / 03:51