SSDs SSDNOW Kingston de baixo custo são classificados para 6.000 IOPS de leitura. O seu está classificado para 3.300 IOPS de leitura. Uma leitura de 4KB tem 4.096 bytes. Portanto, 12,33MB / s é 12,33 * 1024 * 1024 / (4 * 1024) IOPS, ou 3,156. Então isso parece razoável.
Evidently the Kingston SSDNow V+ 100 256GB and SSDNow V 100 256GB provide quite poor NCQ performance, as they suffered when running the CrystalDiskMark random read 4K-QD32 test. This was also a weakness of the original SSDNow V 128GB drive. Whereas the old OCZ Vertex 120GB provided a throughput of 65MB/s, the SSDNow V+ 100 256GB was limited to just 19.9MB/s.
The random write 4K-QD32 performance was slightly better as the Kingston SSDNow V+ 100 256GB achieved a throughput of 37.1MB/s while the SSDNow V 100 256GB managed 28.4MB/s, which was a considerable improvement over the 11.4MB/s of the SSDNow V 128GB drive. - Review