O abaixo é um extrato de um site, o site é mencionado abaixo
Say you want to resize an image (or
lots of images) to half its size. To
do this, drag the Scale Images action
over to the right hand side. A dialog
box will appear asking if you want the
workflow to keep a copy of the
original image or not. If you click
Add, the workflow will make a copy of
your image on the Desktop and resize
that instead of the original.
Otherwise, it will simply replace the
image with its resized version.
The next step is to choose how you
want to scale your image. You can set
it to a certain width or a percentage
of its original size. Once you have
chosen, choose Save As from the File
menu and give it a name like Resize
Images. From the File Format pop-up
menu choose Application. The Desktop
is a good place to save it.
Find an image file and drag it onto
the Resize Images icon. A copy of the
image at half the size should appear
on the Desktop
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