Quanta RAM está disponível para o Excel


Como posso ver quanta RAM está disponível para o Excel?

Estou usando a versão NT 6.02 do Windows 2010 (32 bits) do Excel 2010: 14.0

Eu sei que meu laptop tem 4GB de RAM, mas me disseram que o Excel 32 bit só poderá usar 2GB disso.

por PeterH 26.01.2018 / 13:45

1 resposta


Excel 2010, 2013 and 2016 are available in 2 versions: 32-bit (2 Gigabytes of virtual memory)

Sem memória, limites de memória, vazamentos de memória, o Excel não será iniciado.

How can I see how much RAM is available for Excel?

O Gerenciador de Tarefas indicará a quantidade de memória que o Excel está usando.

On the other hand, the 32-bit edition of Office is limited to 2 GB of virtual address space, and this space is shared by Excel, the workbook, and add-ins that run in the same process. (Worksheets smaller than 2 GB on disk might still contain enough data to occupy 2 GB or more of addressable memory.)

Além disso,

The 2-GB limitation is per windows process instance of Excel. You can run multiple files in one instance. However, if the files are really large and have to be open, consider opening multiple instances for the other files. For information about limits that you may encounter, go to the following website:

Uso da memória na edição de 32 bits do Excel 2013 e 2016

Além disso,

32-bit versions of Microsoft Excel 2013 and Excel 2016 can take advantage of Large Address Aware (LAA) functionality after installation of the latest updates. (see the "Resolution" section) This change lets 32-bit installations of Excel 2016 consume double the memory when users work on a 64-bit Windows OS. The system provides this capability by increasing the user mode virtual memory from 2 gigabytes (GB) to 4 GB. This change provides 50 percent more memory (for example, from 2 GB to 3 GB) when users work on a 32-bit system.

enter image description here

Além disso,

If you're running 64-bit Windows, this change is applied automatically. No action by you is required. The available memory for the Excel process is automatically doubled from 2 GB to 4 GB. This improves support for actions that use lots of memory.

Alteração de capacidade Large Address Aware para o Excel

por 26.01.2018 / 13:57