Arquivo criptografado no PC antigo, precisa decriptografar [duplicado]


Meu pai criptografou um arquivo em um PC executando o Win XP. Ele pegou um novo PC rodando o Win 7. Havia alguns arquivos criptografados usando o Windows EFS do antigo sistema operacional XP em um pen drive, e agora não conseguimos descobrir como abrir o mesmo. Ajuda por favor.

- Ram

por Ram RS 17.06.2012 / 15:55

1 resposta


A menos que seu pai tenha feito um backup das chaves de criptografia que estavam em seu laptop antigo, associadas a seu ID do usuário nessa máquina, os dados em qualquer arquivo criptografado com essas chaves serão perdidos agora.


By far, the most frequent problem with EFS occurs when EFS encryption keys and/or recovery keys aren't archived. If keys aren't backed up, they cannot be replaced when lost. If keys cannot be used or replaced, data can be lost. If Windows is reinstalled (perhaps as the result of a disk crash) the keys are destroyed. If a user's profile is damaged, then keys are destroyed. In these, or in any other cases in which keys are damaged or lost and backup keys are unavailable, then encrypted files cannot be decrypted. The encryption keys are bound to the user account, and a new iteration of the operating system means new user accounts. A new user profile means new user keys. If keys are archived, or exported, they can be imported to a new account. If a revocation agent for the files exists, then that account can be used to recover the files. However, in many cases in which keys are destroyed, both user and revocation keys are absent and there is no backup, resulting in lost data.

File encryption uses a symmetric key, which is then itself encrypted with the public key of a public key encryption pair. The related private key must be available in order for the file to be decrypted. This key pair is bound to a user identity and made available to the user who has possession of the user ID and password. If the private key is damaged or missing, even the user that encrypted the file cannot decrypt it. If a recovery agent exists, then the file may be recoverable. If key archival has been implemented, then the key may be recovered, and the file decrypted. If not, the file may be lost. EFS is an excellent file encryption system—there is no "back door."

(minha ênfase )

por 17.06.2012 / 17:00